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We cannot always stay indoors when inclement weather comes our way. Some of us drive in weather like this on such a routine basis that we take our travel for granted with the basic skills needed for driving in a snowstorm or rainstorm. We know we must remain focused on

We hate to hear that a quick trip to the store results in an injury to a child, but it can happen when another vehicle hits your car. Were you smart, and are you smart everyday, when travelling with small children? What about the time you think you are gong

Personal injury cases are difficult and time-consuming for you, the victim. You are dealing with insurance claims, hospital bills, family devastation, injury or death aftermath, calls from law firms, and many other activities that occupy your time. You’re overwhelmed at the information coming at you, and the information that you

If your family outing this week includes a visit to a zoo or wildlife park, you know how exciting it can be to be up close and personal with those critters. Many spectators enroll in feeding sessions, animal petting opportunities, safari trips and other ways to see and visit with

New Year’s Eve is not the only night that proves festive. The new year itself brings about a whole new round of birthdays, city celebrations, graduations and more. Celebrations can be the scene for many mishaps ranging from drunk driving, to electrocutions, to slips and falls and much more, no

How safe are you as a consumer? You might think that you do your homework before purchasing a big-ticket item, or that you scrutinize the fine print on any warranties for appliances. But, how safe are you really when you are in the store itself? We don’t often think of

Medical malpractice cases hit the news every day, and one in particular has been standing in the forefront since its occurrence last year. In this case, the hospital continues its fight in 2014 to prove they did nothing wrong when treating a 26-year-old doctor who was admitted with severe headaches.

Pedestrian versus car accidents occur in many parts of the county, and the number is not dwindling. At first glance either party could be to blame for a tragedy that could have otherwise been avoided. In New York, it is beyond many of us that people take the chances they

We have all heard the horror stories about daycare abuse and injuries. As a result, some of us have resorted to having an in-home babysitter instead of putting our kids in the hands of a center who has to watch several children at one time. While using our neighbor or