Category: Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are among the most painful injuries you can suffer. If you or someone you love have sustained a burn injury due to someone else’s negligence, it is critical that you retain legal representation as soon as you can. The New York burn injury lawyers of Finz & Finz,
For those without access to an oven, or who believe a juicier but crispier bird is obtainable through alternate methods, deep frying a turkey can be a Thanksgiving tradition. The method is relatively simple. You clean out the giblets and other extraneous parts, make sure the bird is properly thawed,
A Virginia woman has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against a JC Penney salon, alleging serious chemical burns to her scalp during a hair bleaching. These types of chemical burns are surprisingly common when getting hair dyed or bleached. Three salon hair treatments are particularly associated with chemical burns to
The official celebration may have passed, but many holiday lights stay up on homes year round. Christmas lights have been around for hundreds of years, though electrical lights are much newer. Families used candles for generations to light up the holidays. But with the advent of electricity, it became more
A major breakthrough in Birmingham, England has the potential to put an end to scarring caused by burns. The developers are ready to make a trial run, treating burn victims in the area with these new patches that stimulate the regrowth of normal tissue rather than scar tissue. If the
Illinois is providing some small measure of relief to those who have suffered disabling burns. A peculiarity in Social Security Law has, for decades, left those who suffer serious debilitating injures waiting five months to begin receiving the Social Security income they are entitled to. This is difficult for anybody