Category: Blood Clots

The True Tale: At age 62 she was a proud wife, mother, and grandmother. Having worked most of her life, she was looking forward to the joyful years ahead. Retirement years! Travel years! Happy years! Years well-earned! Isn’t that what most want? Isn’t retirement the goal that satisfies those who
IVC (Inferior Vena Cava) filters are an alternative method of dealing with blood clots for people unable or unwilling to use blood thinners. There are a variety of reasons blood thinners may not be appropriate for a given patient, including bleedings disorders. When these issues are identified, an IVC filter
Senator John McCain will be absent from Washington, DC for at least a week following a surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain. The surgery, called a craniotomy, was performed Friday, July 14th, 2017. The mass was approximately two centimeters and was discovered during a routine physical. What
A new test to detect blood clots could save thousands of lives per year. The test, which utilizes Positron Emission Tomography (commonly known as a PET scan), identifies places with an irregular buildup of GPIIB/IIIA receptors. These have been associated with dense platelet concentrations, which occur in blood clots. A
Fans of Dancing with the Stars were stunned last season when singer and reality star Tamar Braxton withdrew from competition with only three weeks remaining. Surprisingly, Braxton did not leave due to a broken bone or torn muscle, but because of something even more serious—blood clots in her lungs. The
The vacuum is one of the most useful devices to have around the house. With the ability to suck dirt from crevices, the vacuum has long been a staple in most American homes. The basic technology is simple: a fan blows in the vacuum cleaner, creating a pressure differential that
For some reason, many people seem to think that you bring disease on yourself. No matter what your diagnosis, there are some people who claim that your lifestyle is the reason for your sickness. If you suffer from blood clots, you have probably heard hundreds of times from dozens of