Category: Hospital Malpractice

Our client was a “mono-mono” twin who shared the same amniotic sac and placenta as her twin while in utero. When the mother of mono-mono twins begins the labor and delivery process, it’s critically important that the doctors and nurses properly monitor the “fetal monitoring strips” to prevent a birth

If you’re ill or injured, you have the right to expect that you will receive responsible, attentive care when you visit a hospital for treatment. However, negligent medical errors occur far more often than many people realize, as researchers have pointed out in the prominent medical journal Studies in Health
Hospital malpractice refers to instances where negligence contributes to the injury or illness of a hospital patient. The hospital’s lack of reasonable care can lead to severe injuries and even death. For example, if a hospital staff member is hired without a background check, or understaffing prevents staff from delivering

Our client was suffering from knee pain and possible infection in her right leg, the same leg in which she had prior knee replacement surgery. She sought treatment at a Nassau County hospital and arrived at the emergency room before being admitted as a patient. At the time, she was

Our client required wrist surgery due to her medical condition. In a lawsuit that our law firm filed on her behalf, the internist who approved our client for surgery, along with the orthopedic surgeon who performed the procedure, are charged with ignoring our client’s high blood calcium levels. Pre-surgical blood
The True Tale: At age 62 she was a proud wife, mother, and grandmother. Having worked most of her life, she was looking forward to the joyful years ahead. Retirement years! Travel years! Happy years! Years well-earned! Isn’t that what most want? Isn’t retirement the goal that satisfies those who
When you visit a doctor, you expect them to use their knowledge and expertise to determine the correct diagnosis and offer you appropriate treatment. You place your trust in medical professionals during some of the most difficult and vulnerable moments of your life. However, far too many doctors disregard this
Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or other medical professional fails to perform their duty, due to an unreasonable level of negligence. This negligence ultimately causes the patient serious harm, which the medical provider could have prevented through appropriate care. If you or a loved one suffered from medical malpractice,
Should the battle of the sexes include the medical profession? A recent study was conducted to try and discover if there was a difference in the level of care for hospital patients over the age of 65 when treated by a male or female doctor. The findings showed that seniors
If you feel like this presidential election campaign is making you ill, you are not alone. For cardiac patients in one Long Island hospital, officials have actually put a rule into place to protect their health through this election cycle: no heated political debates in the rehabilitation gym. That’s correct,