Category: Orthopedic Malpractice

Our client was suffering from knee pain and possible infection in her right leg, the same leg in which she had prior knee replacement surgery. She sought treatment at a Nassau County hospital and arrived at the emergency room before being admitted as a patient. At the time, she was

Our client required wrist surgery due to her medical condition. In a lawsuit that our law firm filed on her behalf, the internist who approved our client for surgery, along with the orthopedic surgeon who performed the procedure, are charged with ignoring our client’s high blood calcium levels. Pre-surgical blood
It is appalling the amount of damage one doctor can do. Aria Sabit, a surgeon who specialized in spinal procedures, received a twenty-year sentence for fraud on January 9, 2017. It is impossible to know how many unnecessary procedures Dr. Sabit performed in his career, as he practiced first in