Category: Lawnmower Accidents

An incident in Memphis, Michigan is drawing attention to the danger posed by riding lawnmowers. A two year old boy lost a leg and foot on June 9th, 2018, after falling off a lawnmower being piloted by his grandfather. The child fell under the whirring blade of the machine, and
Mowing the lawn is the outdoor chore people seem to enjoy the least. Despite how unappealing the job may be, it is something that needs to be done on a regular basis. With the number of severe injuries associated with lawnmower accidents, it is no surprise there has been a
Earlier this year, we heard of a child in Florida who was injured when her father accidentally backed over her as she ran out to greet him in the yard. The mother tried to warn the father, and thinking he was going to run into something ahead in his path
Outdoor yard care that starts in the spring and summer continues year-round, and garden tools and power mowers remain on consumer wish lists. Teens still earn money by offering their services to neighbors in need. Dad asks for a new power riding lawn mower for his birthday. Little ones are