New York City Burn Injury Lawyer


If you sustained burns in an accident someone else caused, do not hesitate to contact a lawyer that specializes in personal injuries for legal assistance. You might be entitled to compensation from the at-fault party. A burn injury is painful and requires ongoing medical care to heal. Severe burns can cause significant scarring and serious complications. Many accident victims can’t afford the costs of their medical expenses, especially when their injuries prevent them from working.

You should not have to pay the price for injuries that are not your fault. Let our personal injury law firm, Finz & Finz, P.C. pursue compensation on your behalf and fight for the justice you deserve. Call us today at (855) TOP-FIRM for your free consultation with an experienced New York City burn injury lawyer.

Common Types of Burn Injuries

Burns are categorized by degree based on the severity of the damage:

  • First-degree â€“ A first-degree burn causes minimal damage. It’s a superficial burn affecting the outer layer of the skin. Symptoms often include inflammation, swelling, and redness at the injury site. In most cases, patients heal without scarring.
  • Second-degree â€“ A second-degree burn damages multiple layers of skin. Soreness and redness can appear at the site of the injury. Blisters might also form and burst, scarring over as the burn heals. Changes to skin pigmentation are also typical.
  • Third-degree â€“ A third-degree burn affects every layer of skin. The damage can extend to the nerves, tissue, and muscle. Typically, skin grafting is necessary to repair internal damage and restore the skin’s appearance. Many people suffer disfigurement and scarring from a third-degree burn.

an EMT treating burn injury on a man's right handA burn injury should be taken seriously, even if it causes minimal visible damage. Go to the hospital immediately after the accident to begin treatment. Try to keep a pain journal to track how the injury has impacted your day-to-day life.

RELATED: What are the types of burns? 

Complications Of Burn Injuries To Be Aware Of

Even when promptly treated, burns can give way to serious complications. According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the most common complications of burn injuries include:

  • Blood loss â€“ Some burns are so severe that significant blood loss occurs from the open wound. A person can experience hypovolemic shock from losing one-fifth of their total blood volume. It can cause tissue damage and eventually lead to a heart attack or coma.
  • Disfigurement and scarring â€“ Burns covering the face or large portions of the body can be disfiguring. The injury might alter a person’s appearance despite efforts to repair the damage to the skin. Severe wounds can leave behind scars from the healing process.
  • Infections â€“ An infection can form and enter an open wound, potentially causing internal damage first at the site and then throughout the body. Vital organs affected by the infection can shut down, increasing the risk of life-threatening complications.
  • Mental or emotional distress â€“ Burn injuries often result from traumatic accidents like car wrecks and structure fires. The psychological effects of these incidents can be significant. Many people develop phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety.
  • Movement and mobility issues – Decreased range of motion and challenges with mobility are common with severe burn injuries. The damage can impact joint tissue and bones.

What are the Most Common Causes of Burn Injuries in New York City?

Numerous scenarios can cause a burn injury, such as:

Regardless of what caused your burn injuries, whoever is at fault for the accident should pay for the consequences. The New York City personal injury attorneys at  Finz & Finz, P.C. know how to investigate burn injury cases obtain evidence to prove what happened, and hold the responsible party liable for their actions.

Compensation for New York Burn Injury Claims

If someone else is responsible for causing your burn injury, you can hold them liable for the financial consequences.

Filing an insurance claim or lawsuit might recover compensation for your:

  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills from surgery, prescriptions, physical therapy, and other treatment
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring or disfigurement

If your case goes to court, you might be able to seek punitive damages. Rather than compensating you for particular losses, punitive damages punish the defendant for their actions and deter similar misconduct in the future. To receive this financial award, you must have clear and convincing evidence that the defendant’s conduct was reckless, willful, malicious, or wanton, or demonstrated a high degree of moral culpability.

Compensation for Fatal Burn Injuries

According to New York Statute § 5-4.1, wrongful death is a person’s death caused by someone else’s neglect, wrongful act, or default.

If your loved one died from a burn injury in an accident someone else caused, you might be entitled to compensation in a wrongful death case. Only the personal representative of the deceased’s estate can file such a lawsuit.

A successful wrongful death claim or suit can provide compensation for the following:

  • Conscious pain and suffering the deceased endured
  • Financial support the deceased would have contributed
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Interest on awarded compensation, calculated from the date of the death
  • Lost inheritance
  • Reasonable health care expenses related to the fatal injury
  • The value of lost care, nurturing, and guidance the deceased can no longer provide to their children
  • The value of services and support the deceased could have provided to surviving family

Statute of Limitations for a Burn Injury

In New York, the statute of limitations allows a three-year timeframe to initiate a lawsuit against another party for an injury. That means you must file your lawsuit within three years of sustaining your burn injury to pursue a financial award through the courts.

State law for wrongful death cases allows a two-year timeframe to file suit. That means you have two years from the date of your loved one’s death to file your lawsuit against the at-fault party.

Speak to a Dedicated New York City Burn Injury Lawyer Today

Finz & Finz, P.C. has been representing injured New Yorkers in personal injury cases for over 40 years. We have a passion for helping people harmed by others’ wrongdoings. You will receive support and legal services tailored to your unique needs throughout the entire legal process. We will work hard to hold the negligent party accountable and do everything we can to resolve your case favorably.

If you sustained burn injuries in an accident due to someone’s negligence, call us at (855) TOP-FIRM for your free consultation. We’re ready to represent you and aggressively pursue the maximum possible compensation.