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Fear of flying is one of the rare fears that isn’t known by some fancy other name. Though it can be called Aviophobia, most people just refer to it as fear of flying. It is also an extremely common fear, affecting millions of people across the world. For many people

Residents in the five boroughs of New York City are still dealing with the aftermath of receiving over two feet of snow during the first major snow storm of the year. Parts of Queens did not see snow plows for 48 hours after the snow stopped falling. While the city

The official celebration may have passed, but many holiday lights stay up on homes year round. Christmas lights have been around for hundreds of years, though electrical lights are much newer. Families used candles for generations to light up the holidays. But with the advent of electricity, it became more

Americans want to get where they’re going, and many people don’t like speed limits that seem too low. Anything less than 45 miles per hour is seen by many as an insult to their ability to control their vehicle. There are millions of drivers who think that, even at higher

It’s the icy time of year, and pedestrians and drivers should be extra careful. If there is any reason to suspect that ice might be present, it is important to take every precaution to reduce the risk of falling, slipping, or driving off the road. Such precautions include: Wearing appropriate

Are there any limits to what an employer will do to avoid paying their fair share to employees who are injured on the job? A recent article on propublica.org makes it clear there is no limit, detailing a series of steps taken by Tyson Foods to limit liability in case

We like to think of a new year as a new start, a chance to change the things that need changed. We want to put aside our past mistakes and make better choices for ourselves and our lives. The turning of one year to the next is one of our

The Good Samaritan is one of the Bible’s most famous parables. In this story, a man is brutally beaten by robbers and left to die on the side of the road. Most people just pass him by and ignore his suffering. But one person, the Good Samaritan, is willing to

Black Friday has long been accepted as the most dangerous shopping day of the year. Not only are dozens of people injured every year, but on rare occasions individuals are even killed during the event. Thousands of people fighting for a good deal will always carry a significant risk of