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The statistics are sobering. Though the most recent State of the Air released by the American Lung Association indicates that things are improving, too many Americans are still breathing unsafe air on a regular basis. Breathing unsafe air has been linked to asthma, lung cancer, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Mike Hall is a legend in the world of endurance cycling, having held a variety of world records. But fame and fortune are not enough to protect even a legend from a deadly interaction between bicycle and car. Mr. Hall was taking part in an ultra-distance race in Australia when

Twenty percent of locomotives for Boston’s Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority could be sidelined for an undetermined length of time due to defects in their engines. This is not the first time a significant amount of locomotives have been out of use due to defect. In late 2015 a large number

Movie magic doesn’t prevent significant injury or even death when an accident occurs. And movie magic is no protection against inadequate safety measures, as proved by an April 4th incident at Pinewood Studios in Atlanta that left one worker dead. The worker was helping construct a warehouse on the massive

A terrible tragedy in Michigan claimed the life of one child and left 13 more unconscious and in critical condition. Employees of Quality Inn in Niles, Michigan made the terrible discovery on April 1st at the indoor swimming pool at the hotel. Initial indications are that a chemical reaction caused

House fires are devastating. Even if everyone in the house escapes unscathed, thousands of dollars in property damage can be done in a matter of a few minutes. Insurance will replace some of these items, but family heirlooms and photographs are not replaceable with money. Fire awareness is not as

Finding proper care for our loved ones can be difficult, particularly if they have medical needs that require a skilled nursing facility. We do our best to research different places and find one that will provide quality care. But even after we find a facility, we have to be diligent

New York Magazine ran an article in their February edition drawing attention to an online community of Ambien users. These users were sharing stories of the things they had done while under the effects of the drug. Though intended to be amusing, the story and the community itself simply serve

It’s been less than two years since the FDA approved the use of Absorb stents, the first stent designed to dissolve on its own within three years of implantation. The stent was designed to do its job, opening a blood vessel long enough for the blood vessel to heal or

For the past few years, Flint, Michigan has been in the news due to a water crisis exposing thousands of children to significant amounts of lead. The governor of the state has been under fire, as have local politicians, for failing to address the issue in a timely manner, and