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The basics of street safety can be taught to children even while they are very young. In most cases, this begins with parents literally holding the child’s hand to cross the street. Slowly but surely the child gains other skills, such as looking both ways and only crossing in crosswalks

The Washington Post has published a story about a retired nurse who suffered years of side effects from a surgery to remove her gallbladder. The surgeon incorrectly modified her liver, resulting in an odd side effect of significant itching. Years of scans were misread until a specialist recognized the symptoms

Drowsy driving is never a good idea, but it is particularly dangerous for truck drivers. When behind the wheel of a big rig, the driver is responsible for thousands of pounds of metal, enough to easily cause significant multi-vehicle accidents. Driving a truck is also more complicated than piloting a

Defining careless driving can be very difficult. Ultimately, it is up to the officer writing the ticket to determine whether or not a driver was careless, and rarely will it be based on the little things that can cause accidents like failing to keep two hands on the wheel or

It is no surprise that many automobile accidents take place at intersections. Drivers are attempting to determine who has right of way, are braking more frequently and sometimes more suddenly, and are generally executing turns in addition to the normal process of going straight. The additional options make it much

Placental abruption when the placenta separates from the uterine lining unexpectedly, resulting in significant dangers to the unborn baby. The placenta is responsible for carrying nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus, and is the primary connection between the mother and her child until the child is safely

Anoxic brain injuries occur as a result of oxygen deprivation during the birthing process. There are a number of reasons a child might suffer anoxia or hypoxia, including strangulation by the umbilical cord or birth trauma. Though there is often little the delivery team can do to prevent the initial

Perhaps the death of seven motorcyclists will finally draw national and state attention to an ongoing problem that puts the lives of thousands at risk every day. The incident occurred on June 21st, 2019, in New Hampshire, when a semi piloted by a 23 year old driver veered off course

Please join us in honoring Stuart L. Finz at the Brandeis Association Brunch. The Brandeis Association is one of the most prestigious organizations of judges and lawyers in New York State. Each year it honors one of its outstanding members based upon the reputation, professionalism, and achievements in the legal