The Importance of Preserving Evidence in Car Accident Cases

car accident in New York City - The Importance of Preserving Evidence in Car Accident Cases

Preserving evidence is essential when seeking compensation after a car accident. Strong evidence forms the backbone of a successful car accident claim, illustrating the circumstances of the accident and pinpointing responsibility. A well-documented collection of evidence can significantly strengthen your position, whether negotiating with insurance companies or presenting your case in court. When you hire a lawyer early in the car accident claims process, they can work quickly to gather evidence before it deteriorates or disappears and use it effectively on your behalf.

For over three decades, our NYC car accident lawyers have helped injured New Yorkers recover after serious car accidents. Contact us today so we can begin gathering the evidence you need to strengthen your case.

Why Is It Important to Preserve Evidence After a Car Accident?

Evidence can establish a clear, unbiased record of the events leading up to and during the accident. Useful evidence to prove fault in car accidents can include photographs of the scene, witness statements, police reports, and video footage. Such evidence allows investigators to reconstruct accurate and detailed accounts of an incident, which is necessary for determining liability and compensation.

Car accident evidence also plays a crucial role in legal and insurance proceedings. It can support claims for car accident injuries and other losses. Without reliable evidence, car accident victims can face challenges in proving their cases to the insurance company. Evidence provides a foundation for arguments and facilitates fair and just outcomes.

How To Preserve Evidence After an Auto Accident

If you suffered serious injuries in an auto accident, you should contact a car accident attorney as soon as possible. They can begin gathering and preserving evidence to prove fault in the car accident. Prompt action is key to ensuring that essential pieces of evidence do not get lost, destroyed, or forgotten over time.

Your car accident lawyer will start by collecting and securing various forms of evidence that can establish fault. This includes obtaining traffic and security camera footage that might have captured the motor vehicle accident. Such footage can provide an objective and compelling form of evidence, showing what happened without the biases that might affect witness statements.

Attorneys can also talk to witnesses to obtain detailed statements. They can interview witnesses while the incident is fresh in their minds, ensuring that the details are accurate and comprehensive. This process goes beyond what police might collect at the scene, delving into finer details that could be decisive in proving fault.

Additionally, lawyers know how to gather and interpret police reports and accident scene photographs. They can identify inconsistencies or additional information that might not be immediately apparent. They can also handle the collection of vehicle damage reports, which can provide insights into the dynamics of a crash, further supporting the determination of fault.

Types of Car Accident Evidence

If you get hurt in a car accident, the types of evidence you gather can significantly impact the outcome of your car accident claim. The proper car accident evidence can effectively demonstrate what happened, who is at fault, and the extent of the losses you incurred. Here are some key types of evidence that can prove helpful in a car accident case:

  • Cell Phone Records: In cases where distracted driving is suspected, cell phone records can show whether a driver was using their phone at the time of the accident.
  • Dashboard Camera Footage: If your vehicle or another vehicle involved has a dashcam, the footage can be a direct and consequential piece of evidence showing the accident as it unfolded.
  • Expert Testimonies: Expert analysis and reconstruction of the motor vehicle accident can provide insights into the causes and effects of the crash.
  • Medical Records: Documenting injuries and treatments through medical records is essential. These records link the injuries directly to the accident and detail their extent and impact.
  • Photographs: Images of the accident scene, including positions of vehicles, traffic signs, road conditions, and skidmarks, can provide a visual account of the circumstances of the accident.
  • Police Reports: An official police report often contains an officer’s assessment of the accident, including details about the involved parties, witness statements, and initial determinations of fault.
  • Traffic and Surveillance Camera Footage: Footage from nearby traffic or surveillance cameras can capture the accident as it happened, offering a clear view of each driver’s actions.
  • Vehicle Damage Reports: Assessments of the damage to vehicles involved in the accident can indicate the severity and mechanics of the crash.
  • Witness Statements: Statements from people who saw the accident can provide an unbiased perspective, supporting or contradicting various claims.

How Attorneys Use Evidence To Determine Fault in a Car Accident Case

Car accident attorneys use various types of evidence to pinpoint fault in car accident cases. Understanding how to use evidence in an accident to determine fault is critical to their role.

Usually, they begin by scrutinizing police reports, which often provide essential initial insights into the accident. These reports include details on the drivers involved, witness statements, and any citations for traffic violations, all of which can be key in establishing fault.

Next, they’ll examine photographs and videos of the accident scene if available. Attorneys look for clues in these images, such as the positioning of vehicles, traffic signals, road conditions, and any visible damage. This information helps recreate the accident circumstances.

Additionally, lawyers will carefully evaluate witness accounts. They compare these statements with the physical evidence to build a coherent narrative of the event, looking out for any discrepancies or corroborations in witness accounts.

Medical records are also essential pieces of evidence. They document the extent of any injuries you sustained and link these injuries directly to the accident. This helps your lawyer establish the severity of the impact and supports claims regarding who was at fault.

In some cases, attorneys also employ technological tools like accident reconstruction software. This software considers all available evidence to create a simulation of the accident, offering insights into the actions and speeds of the drivers involved.

Talk to an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney in New York Today

If you suffered harm in a New York car accident, don’t hesitate to reach out to Finz & Finz, P.C. for a free consultation. Our New York City car accident lawyers are adept at identifying and gathering compelling evidence to bolster your car accident case. With the help of our dedicated legal team, you can confidently pursue the maximum compensation you deserve. For more than 35 years, we have obtained record-breaking results for personal injury clients throughout New York and across the country. Contact us today, and let us put our experience to work for you.

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Finz & Finz, P.C. is a New York and Long Island personal injury law firm based out of Mineola, NY. It was founded in 1984 and is highly rated, with many honors and awards of excellence.