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It is already against the law to text while driving in the state of Florida, but the police are not allowed to pull motorists over unless the driver is violating other statutes. Texting while driving is not designated a primary offense by legislators. But a new law, recently passed through

People are trained from a young age to be polite and reassuring, so it is no surprise that when a car accident occurs, the instinct is often to downplay the extent of potential injuries when speaking with the person who hit you. Offering the other driver condolences might seem like

The incidence of cerebral palsy in preterm infants has long been higher than the incidence in babies delivered full term. Determining why has long eluded researchers, but a recent study out of England and Canada indicates that magnesium deficiency might play a role. Doctors treated mothers in preterm labor (labor

For many dieters, the primary reason to cut calories or modify meals is to lose weight. People have been trained to associate the number on the scale with general health and to assume that so long as the pounds are falling off, any diet is good for them. But recent

The litany of side effects associated with popular anti-smoking drug Chantix (varenicline) is extensive. Some of those side effects, such as upset stomach, nausea, and headache, are relatively minor and might be worth enduring in order to quit smoking. Smoking is linked to significant health issues, such as hypertension and

The first abuse accusation goes back to 1994, but it is reasonably likely that Dr. Larry Nassar’s crimes extend even further into the past. As the number of victims increases on a seemingly daily basis, now reaching nearly 250 cases, determining precisely when he first began to prey on young

On occasion, the line between care and negligence can be blurred. For example, failure to properly monitor a young child using kid-safe scissors can result in a cut, even with the dull blades. Children can also quickly swallow a bead or other small object if caregivers are not paying careful

Public perception of the dangers of drunk driving has mostly trended in the right direction for the last four decades. Since MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) was founded in 1980, outreach by educators, experts, and law enforcement has slowly lowered the rate at which people drive while under the influence.

A study presented in the December 2017 edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences highlights a potential breakthrough treatment for sepsis. Sepsis, which affects hundreds of thousands of Americans each year, and which is fatal in one-third of emergent cases where prompt treatment does not take place, is