Insurance Overload Bears Weight of Workplace Accidents


It is easy to be overwhelmed by the insurance industry. Sometimes it seems like there is insurance for everything. There is health insurance and car insurance and flood insurance and homeowner’s insurance and renter’s insurance. Most the time we carry these policies and never get anything out of them, and it is easy to forget just how important insurance policies can be until we suffer a house fire or are the victim of a car accident.

One type of insurance offers huge potential benefits, but most people are barely aware that it even exists. It is called disability insurance, and it provides a backstop for families whose primary or secondary providers are injured. The government has disability programs as well, but these take time to apply for, and time is rarely something the average family has when someone is injured.

The most common cause of disability is being injured on the job, and though most employers are required to provide workman’s compensation, that is often not enough. In the event of an injury that leaves you unable to work, disability insurance can:

  • Make monthly home and rent payments
  • Provide money for groceries and other living expenses
  • Make car payments
  • Pay utilities and other bills

Serious injuries occur in every line of work. People with desk jobs often think they are immune to these risks, but anything can happen at any time. Disability insurance can be a great way to have peace of mind regarding your family’s future.

Though disability insurance is important, it is no substitute for other forms of long-term compensation if you are injured on the job. Disability insurance can help you get by on a month-to-month basis, but long-term security for your family is important. If you were injured on the job due to employer negligence, please contact an attorney who can help you get the long-term security your family deserves.

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Finz & Finz, P.C. is a New York and Long Island personal injury law firm based out of Mineola, NY. It was founded in 1984 and is highly rated, with many honors and awards of excellence.