Have You Been Struck By a Driver Who Ran A Stoplight Or Stop Sign?


Drivers in New York must stop and at a stop sign and stop sign. When drivers blow through a stop sign or stoplight, it can result in a serious car accident that causes spinal injuries, traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, or even death. With these types of car accidents, it may not be immediately clear to police responding to the accident as to who was at fault. Establishing liability may require interviewing eyewitnesses, reviewing evidence, using the services of an accident reconstruction expert. The New York City car accident lawyers are knowledgeable about these cases and may help you to recover damages.

If a driver ran a stop sign or stoplight that caused your accident and subsequent injuries, you may be entitled to compensation. To set up a free initial consultation with Finz & Finz, P.C., call 855-TOP-FIRM today. Our New York car accident attorneys will handle your case on a contingency fee basis, meaning that if we do not win your case, you do not owe us any fees.

Who is Liable for the Accident?

According to New York traffic laws, drivers must stop completely at stop signs and stoplights. If a crash happens because of a driver does not stop at a stop sign or stoplight, they are accountable for the damages incurred. An experienced New York car accident lawyer can help you prove that the other party is liable for your accident.

Stoplight and stop sign accidents often give rise to disputes where the drivers involved provide different versions as to what occurred. You can bet on the insurance company denying your claim and either offering you a low settlement or refusing to pay altogether.

This is why it’s so important to gather evidence in building a strong claim. A personal injury attorney can help you gather many types of evidence, such as photographs, witness testimony, police reports, and video surveillance, which will strengthen your case and establish liability.

Common Causes of Stop Sign and Stoplight Accidents

Drivers violate stop signs and stoplights for several reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Reckless and negligent driving – Some drivers run stop signs and stoplights without even realizing it.
  • Distracted driving – Some drivers text and drive, talk on their phones, and fiddle with the radio or GPS, all of which distract them from driving and can cause them to not stop.
  • Newly Installed Stop Sign or Stoplight – Drivers may not notice a stop sign on roads that travel on frequently if the sign has been recently installed. However, this is not an excuse if it’s the reason they caused your accident and injury.
  • Impatience – Some drivers are in a hurry and don’t want to come to a complete stop or even stop at all.
  • Speeding – When drivers exceed the speed limits, they place themselves and others at risk. Speeding drivers are more likely to run through a stop sign or stoplight because they don’t have time to react and stop in time.
  • Drunk driving – Those who drink and drive are more likely to be visually impaired and have slower reaction times and therefore run stop signs or stoplights.
  • Poor weather conditions – Weather extremes, such as heavy rainfall, heavy snow, or dense fog, can obscure stop signs or stop signs. A bright sunset can be troublesome for drivers.
  • Obstruction. If a stop sign or stoplight is blocked or obscured by trees, vehicles, or other objects, some drivers may be unaware of the sign. An experienced attorney can help you determine liability if you have been involved in a car accident that was caused by obstruction.

No matter what form of negligence caused your stop sign or stoplight accident, you can rest assured that Finz & Finz, P.C. will protect your rights to compensation as we fight tirelessly to hold the at-fault driver accountable for your injuries.

How Our New York Car Accident Attorneys Can Help

At Finz & Finz, P.C., our highly skilled and compassionate New York personal injury attorneys have 40 years of experience helping car accident victims get justice and compensation. Our car accident attorneys have helped injured car accident victims get the financial recovery they need to cover medical care, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

If a driver caused your car accident because they disregarded a stop sign or stoplight, the experienced New York car accident lawyers at Finz & Finz, P.C. will:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation of the accident
  • Answer all your questions and address all your concerns
  • Keep you updated on the status of your case
  • Collect evidence and use it to build your case
  • Locate witnesses to the accident
  • Review the police report and interview the police
  • Identify all the responsible parties
  • Get help from an accident reconstruction expert if necessary
  • Subpoena phone records to determine if the driver was distracted
  • Present a claim for compensation to the at-fault driver’s insurer
  • Review your medical bills and records and figure out an estimate of your total damages
  • Negotiate with the insurance company for a full and fair settlement
  • Take the case to court if the insurance company refuses to pay the maximum settlement that covers the full extent of your losses

Contact a New York Car Accident Attorney

If you have been seriously injured or someone you love killed in a stop sign or stoplight-related car collision, the New York car accident lawyers of Finz & Finz, P.C. can help. No matter the injury or damage you suffered, our skilled and experienced attorneys can ensure you recover the compensation you are entitled to. Call 855-TOP-FIRM today so we can get started on your stop sign or stoplight accident case.

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Finz & Finz, P.C. is a New York and Long Island personal injury law firm based out of Mineola, NY. It was founded in 1984 and is highly rated, with many honors and awards of excellence.