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The East Coast and the Midwest are no strangers to weathering the brutal winter storms that invade their regions every year. Icy conditions are treacherous for drivers, pedestrians and those who step out the front door to retrieve the morning paper. From an everyday standpoint, icy conditions in neighborhoods occur

Dog bites have become an every day occurrence as far as hospital visits are concerned nationwide. Troublesome for both the owner and the victim, dog bites create animosity, conflict, resentment, anger and fear (and that goes for the dog, too). Most dog owners think their dogs are “fine” and balk

Children are injured on public and at-home playgrounds yearly, from minor scratches and strangulations, to concussions and amputations, to brain damage and fatal falls. In the past, improper ground surfaces were often to blame for playground injuries prior to the establishment of the development by the Consumer Product Safety Commission

Heart attacks in both men and women account for hundreds of thousands of emergency room visits and deaths annually. A qualified and seasoned physician who knows the history of a particular patient can provide education on the signs and symptoms of a heart attack related to that individual, and any

According to OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, “Every day in America, 13 people go to work and never come home,” (excerpted from of a Workers Memorial Day speech April 26, 2012 by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis.) Among the workers of whom Solis is referring are those in

Consider this narrative: An 82-year-old frail man using a cane for balance is standing on a deserted subway platform waiting for a train. A stranger suddenly emerges from the shadows, throws the elderly man violently to the concrete, gropes menacingly through his pockets and pulls out a wallet, then starts

The place where we most often seek refuge, our “safe” haven, is actually the place where we have the most risk for injury. You guessed it: Our home. Familiarity breeds carelessness in the form of falls on stairs and in dimly-lit hallways, burns from unsafe kitchen conditions, slips in bathtubs