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Experts predicted a particularly powerful El Niño this year, and severe weather has been seen all over the country. This El Niño, the strongest since the late nineties, brought increased precipitation in many areas, as well as sudden shifts in weather patterns that caused a variety of major issues for

Distracted driving is finally starting to be discussed as a major danger to communities. People are finally starting to notice that distracted driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. This is a major breakthrough, as more states, cities, and communities look at laws to address this troubling trend.

Fire alarms are incredibly important for fire prevention and control. A quality fire alarm can mean the difference between a quickly contained blaze and losing everything. Many cities now require fire alarms to be wired directly into the electrical system to ensure that the system is always on and always

Chipotle’s hope for a smooth 2016 is not going well so far. The Mexican restaurant chain has been subpoenaed in a federal investigation involving an outbreak of norovirus which sickened over 200 people in Simi Valley, California, last August. The company is still trying to recover from two E. coli

When designing a child bicycle trailer, it stands to reason that the bare minimum safety standard should be to ensure the wheels, safety belt, and tow bar are safe. Without these three elements, there is nothing else that can be done to make the trailer safe to use. Despite this,

Fall is coming to a close and winter is descending across the country. Frigid temperatures will keep many people home during the cold months, but there are those who love to brave the elements to have a little fun. Skiing, snowboarding, sledding, and snowmobiling are all popular pastimes during the

A major part of parents’ daily routine is bringing their children to sports practices and games after school and on the weekend. Concussions have become a growing concern in youth sports, with soccer being one of the most popular among both young boys and girls. Now, new guidelines are being

The signs can be particularly difficult to see. Daycare abuse is staggeringly common in the United States, and many types of abuse leave very visible marks. If your child is punched, kicked, or pushed, there is likely to be a bruise. Scratches and cuts can be telltale signs that abuse

World Prematurity Day was celebrated on November 17th, 2015. Premature labor remains a major problem in the United States and worldwide, with the March of Dimes announcing that complications of preterm birth is now the foremost killer of young children. Though America is a first world nation in every way,

An 11 year old girl and her mother were killed when a car driven by a fourteen year old rolled over after the driver lost control. The driver, with only a learner’s permit, had very little experience with highway driving when the accident occurred. Sadly, these types of accidents are