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Boating accidents are frighteningly common. Each year, hundreds of people are killed and thousand injured in boat accidents, which can occur anywhere and everywhere boats are found. Boats are commonly sailed on oceans, on rivers, and on lakes, and dependent upon the type of body of water, the most likely

Using a licensed contractor is a way for homeowners and other builders to have some recourse if mistakes are made during construction. The process of getting a license ensures a certain level of liability insurance is maintained, and many municipalities document which contractors work on which projects so there is

At first glance, Jet skis seem like a safe and fun way to enjoy the water. This illusion of safety is based in part on a popular misconception that landing in the water is less dangerous than landing on hard ground, as most people have jumped into the water on

Summer camp is a time-honored tradition in many families. Growing up, many parents spent days or weeks away at camp, and now those parents wish for their children to get those same opportunities. Day camps are an option for children not yet able to spend the night away from family,

A terrifying scene in Asheville, North Carolina on August 20th, 2018 has drawn attention from federal authorities. During the incident, a scaffold slipped free from its mooring, leaving two workers scrambling to safety. Thankfully, no one died or was significantly injured, though long-term mental suffering is a distinct possibility for

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cracked down on Bayer’s controversial birth control device, Essure, after repeated reports of the device migrating or causing other significant side effects. Though the FDA initially approved the device in 2002, the government agency is now requiring Bayer to conduct further safety tests.

Over the last decade, the news has been filled with reports of faulty airbags exploding. Nearly every major car manufacturer has been implicated in the use of these dangerous devices, and manufacturers have been closed due to the massive liability incurred. The force of the explosions was significant enough to

Surgeries of all types are associated with an increased risk of Wernicke’s Encephalopathy, a neurological condition caused by a lack of B-vitamins, particularly Thiamine. But bariatric surgeries are associated with a particularly high post-operative prevalence of this disease. The reason for this increased incidence is unclear, though it has been