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IV infiltration occurs when the intravenous catheter begins to leak medication or other fluid into surrounding tissue. This can happen if the needle is dislodged through patient movement, or if the IV was improperly set in the first place, or if the vein used for the catheter was too small

IV infiltration is a dangerous condition that occurs when the medication or fluid that should be distributed into the vein instead spills into surrounding tissue due to nursing error or patient movement causing the catheter to be dislodged. When this occurs, the medication that should be treating a disease or

Proper balance of hormones, vitamins, and minerals is an important part of being healthy. Whenever the body is deficient in something, there is a chance for negative health outcomes. The greater the deficiency, the greater the risk. In the case of thiamine, one of the outcomes of significant deficiency is

Longevity is key for a successful hip implant. Because every revision surgery carries risks of bone deterioration or infection, limiting the number of times the implant must be replaced over the life of the patient is important. Manufacturers have sought to improve durability by trying different materials, including ceramics and

Society has gotten better at discovering problematic products more quickly. Where tobacco and nicotine were responsible for hundreds of thousands of cancer and COPR deaths over centuries, the negative health effects of modern creations are usually evident much more quickly. Dangerous products can be pulled from shelves within a matter

When searching online for information on the Stryker V40 Femoral Head, most people will be wanting to learn more about the dangers posed to patients by the product line after a disproportionate number of implant recipients suffered significant side effects. Unfortunately, people are as likely to be inundated with data

A hernia occurs when damage to the peritoneum, the muscle band responsible for keeping abdominal organs in place, allows part of the intestines or another organ to protrude. In some cases, there are few symptoms that herniation has occurred. In others there is significant pain as well as clear bulge

For many years, Vitamin K Anticoagulants were the go to drug for people looking to lower the risk of stroke and heart attack. These blood-thinners, including Coumadin, were often effective at thinning the blood sufficiently to prevent many blood clots from forming. Unfortunately these medications also carried significant side effect

Xarelto is an oral anticoagulant, commonly called a blood thinner. Various types of blood thinners have been prescribed for decades, but Xarelto is one of a newer line of drugs developed with an eye towards minimizing the significant risk profile of older drugs such as Coumadin. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical companies