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New York cyclist on their way to work

There is no doubt that cycling is a popular form of transportation and exercise throughout New York. In New York City alone, approximately 778,000 New Yorkers ride their bikes at least several times a month, while another 272,000 ride at least once a month, according to the New York City

sitting in a New York hospital

If you’re ill or injured, you have the right to expect that you will receive responsible, attentive care when you visit a hospital for treatment. However, negligent medical errors occur far more often than many people realize, as researchers have pointed out in the prominent medical journal Studies in Health

helping someone through pain and suffering

In personal injury cases, pain and suffering is a type of compensation you can pursue. Pain and suffering are based on the injury you suffered, how the injury impacts your daily life, and the seriousness of the pain involved. Pain and suffering are known as non-economic damage, or general damage

pedestrians using a crosswalk in New York city

Pedestrian accidents often lead to serious injuries due to the weight and speed of a car and the pedestrian’s lack of protection. If you have been seriously injured in a pedestrian accident in New York, you must have an experienced New York personal injury lawyer handle your case. Pedestrian accident

New York motorcycle ride

If you have been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident in New York caused by another party, you could be entitled to compensation for your losses. Finz & Finz, P.C. will fight tirelessly for the recovery you need and deserve. Our dedicated New York City motorcycle accident lawyers will do everything

winter car accident pileup in Long Island, New York

Winter weather can lead to a wide range of personal injury claims, such as slips, trips, and falls, car accidents, and more. Winter weather is a leading force behind many personal injuries throughout New York. If you have been seriously injured as a result of winter weather and negligence, you

group of friends drinking on new years eve in New York

Each year, many New Yorkers look forward to celebrating New Year’s Eve with family and friends. Although we can’t predict how the 2020 holiday season will be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting social distancing guidelines, data from prior years suggest that traffic on New Year’s Eve could be

2020 changing to 2021

This has been a year of despair. The number of Coronavirus victims continues to rise at an alarming rate. And deaths are not far behind. The vicious Covid-19 armies have stricken without regard to poverty or wealth, or color of skin, or religious beliefs. Its invaders have attacked left-wing radicals,