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Public perception of the dangers of drunk driving has mostly trended in the right direction for the last four decades. Since MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) was founded in 1980, outreach by educators, experts, and law enforcement has slowly lowered the rate at which people drive while under the influence.

A study presented in the December 2017 edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences highlights a potential breakthrough treatment for sepsis. Sepsis, which affects hundreds of thousands of Americans each year, and which is fatal in one-third of emergent cases where prompt treatment does not take place, is

Researchers still struggle to find the cause of Necrotizing Enterocolitis, a devastating disease that affects thousands of newborns each year. Though the illness often occurs in clusters, indicating an environmental cause, that cause is still unknown. And because so little is known about what causes the disease, doctors are often

A major fire in the Bronx on December 28th, 2017 was started by a toddler playing with a stove, according to investigators. The deadly blaze, one of the deadliest in New York history, killed 12 people and left four more critically injured. As the fire spread from apartment to apartment,

When an Amtrak train derailed in Washington State on December 18th, 2017, civilians and government officials immediately began to wonder what went wrong. A local mayor went on the record, saying he expected something to go wrong with that stretch of line. Whenever a train derailment occurs, there are many

A festive Christmas tree is a holiday tradition in many households. There are a variety of ways to get a tree, from visiting a tree lot to going out into the forest and cutting down your own. Bringing it home, setting it up, and decorating it can be a family

When Type II Diabetes is discussed, a certain degree of victim-blaming often takes place. People are quick to point out that diet and exercise are associated with the development of this dangerous disease, with the implied assumption that individuals with Diabetes could prevent the chemical reactions occurring in their body

A chiropractor and his wife confessed to engineering a scam to defraud insurance companies by overstating the extent of injuries suffered by people under their care. As part of the scam, the St. Louis couple bribed police officers for access to accident reports and other documents not meant for public

When people hear of a burn injury in an industrial setting, most assume that a fire caused the injury. But in reality, steam is the culprit more often than not. Fires are rare in these types of settings, but steam has a variety of industrial and commercial uses that put