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Jeep tours at several tourist destinations entice visitors from all over the world with their open-air designs and off-road capabilities. But jeeps in general score relatively low when it comes to safety, and the increasingly popular “pink jeeps tours” are no exception. Because of their high center of gravity, jeeps

We’re right in the thick of summertime activity with vacations and upcoming family reunions. That means taking to the road and the air to get to our destinations quickly so we can enjoy as much time as possible with extended family and friends. Other than the joy we experience from

In the midst of planning what to do after graduation, many grads are gifted the opportunity to travel to a new destination, which often involves their first time overseas. Whether it’s backpacking across Europe or travelling by Eurail, there are travel tips that everyone should keep in mind, particularly if

The season for fireworks is arriving, and for some it began on Memorial Day. With the spectacular displays, fireworks remain intriguing and exciting, and are still one of the few “free” events that most of us can see from our own backyards or city parks. While fireworks symbolize independence and

Too often we hear in the news about cases for medical malpractice suits filed by an injured party against the entity or person they believe caused the injury, particularly in the case of hospitals and caregivers. We trust in our physicians, and we know that they are doing the best

The release of Jackie Hance’s memoir, “I’ll See You Again” has brought a tragic accident back into the forefront relaying the story of the accident that claimed the lives of Hance’s three young girls. While meant to embrace the legacy that their short-lived lives promised, the girls were killed in