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Hit-and-run accidents result in anger, confusion, revenge and often serious injury or death of the victim. Because a hit and run is exactly what it says it is—an accident where someone is hit and the car takes off—it remains to be seen in many cases who was driving the vehicle.

Rescue workers in late March 2014 worked nonstop unearthing bodies swallowed by a landslide in Snohomish County, Washington that killed a number of people. The county’s emergency management director told reporters that officials invested millions of dollars after a smaller landslide wrecked the area in 2006. He also told reporters

Fraternities are a long-standing tradition at college campuses in America. They offer freshmen opportunities of a ready social life in an unfamiliar and large campus, help to forge lifelong friendships and leadership skills, and can lead to job and career opportunities. However, fraternities also have a dark side that is

Many of us have fond memories from our youth of visiting amusement parks and carnival rides at county fairs. Roller coasters and other rides provided quick, exuberant thrills in which passengers yelled and shrieked as they clung to their seats. High school graduates over the years reminisce about visiting Disneyland

Many homes and business use natural gas for its economic advantages. However, while natural gas burns a lot cleaner than coal, it comes with potentially deadly risks. Because it is odorless, utility companies supply the gas with a rotten egg smell to alert customers to a leak. Gas leaks can

Pedestrian accidents amounted to 173 deaths in New York in 2013. Sadly, some of those deaths were related to school-aged children, in particular those from kindergarten through 8th grade. No matter how much we teach our children to pay attention and look both ways when crossing the road, sometimes there

A recent case in Ohio brings to the forefront a hospital who is challenging the claims made by a patient’s family when the kidney of a family member of the patient was thrown out while waiting to be transplanted into the patient. The hospital is claiming there was no medical