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At some point, it becomes very difficult to continue to give companies the benefit of the doubt. Medtronic is fast becoming one of those companies. Last year, Medtronic had six Class I recall events, where they were required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to recall medical equipment that
Two more riders operating all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) died on back-to-back days in Wisconsin in July, and the local authorities are trying their best to educate local riders about the dangers of the hobby. ATV accidents remain far too common in this country, resulting in hundreds of deaths and hundreds of
Leigh Starks knows a thing or two about football. Over the years he has acted as agent for multiple generations of stars, including Troy Aikman, Ricky Williams and Ben Roethlisberger. So when Leigh Starks writes something about football, we should pay attention to it. A recent article by Starks attempts
It could have been worse. That’s what we all keep telling ourselves. It could have been much worse. It could have been nearly any other ride at the park, and people might have died. But just because it could have been worse doesn’t mean that it’s okay to display such
The rash of school shootings and other acts of violence that has rocked the United States is a terrible tragedy. As human beings, we seek to make some sense of things, but it seems the few answers we find just lead to more questions. After Columbine, we thought addressing school
There is some degree of danger every time we let our child ride in a vehicle, be it our own car or a friend’s. There is always the chance that an accident can occur, and we do our best to make sure that the rules of the road are being
If you live in a retirement community in California, Arizona or Florida, where the weather is often supreme, you might want to tool around in a golf cart, regardless of whether you are actually playing golf or not. These small motorized vehicles take you where you want to go, and
All-terrain vehicles, or ATVs, offer opportunities to enjoy the outdoors that entail less physical exertion than hiking. They can take us on dirt roads and trails in forests and deserts that are inaccessible to conventional cars. They cost much less than Jeeps and other four-wheel-drive vehicles, and you can load
When many of us were growing up, we did not fear that our lives would be at stake in the hallways and classrooms at public schools. Jealousies over boyfriends and girlfriends occasionally broke into fights, but the worst thing that could happen was a student requiring medical attention. Society has
Dropping your child off at daycare for the first time is a rite of passage for a lot of Americans. For many families, it’s almost impossible to get by without two paychecks, so both mom and dad work. And, for single parents, daycare is often the only option for childcare