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It’s always good to reach for the stars. Since the earliest days of recorded history, man has dreamed of reaching beyond Earth. When that dream was finally achieved in the mid-20th Century, and especially when a man first walked on the moon, it seemed possible that one day we would

We put our absolute faith in doctors. We trust them to save our lives, to save the lives of those we love. We trust them to help us monitor our health and assist in making good choices for ourselves and our families. We put more faith in doctors than we

It sounds like a freak accident. At a construction site in New Jersey, a tape measure came loose from a worker’s belt and fell fifty stories, striking another worker on the head. Gary Anderson was rushed to the hospital but it was too late. He was pronounced dead on November

Businesses always assume new technology comes without side effects. No one paid much attention to radiation until Marie Curie suffered terribly from its effects. Companies ignored the dangers of lead in computer monitors until landfills and water supplies were poisoned. As far as the companies who created them were concerned,

Americans have mostly warmed up to the importance of bike safety. After years and years of terrible accidents, most parents insist their children wear proper safety equipment when riding a bike. Though at one time we were young and rode our bikes without head protection, we don’t let our kids.

Mass transit is all but unavoidable in big cities. There just isn’t a more affordable and efficient way to get around. Even if you own a car, parking can be expensive, and with traffic snarls there’s no guarantee you’ll get there any more quickly. For the vast majority of urban

It should have been the happiest day of his life. It should have been a new beginning, a day where he and his wife took their first steps into their new shared experience. It should have been all those things, but bad choices led to a very bad outcome. Instead