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When al.com, the internet news hub for people in the state of Alabama, reached out in October for stories of readers’ troubles applying for Social Security Disability, most of the conditions people responded with were familiar to most of us. One person was suffering from colon cancer, another from pancreatitis.

In 2011, after years and years of terrible accidents caused by allowing truck drivers on the roads without adequate sleep, the Department of Transportation stepped in and mandated that truckers get enough rest. Even this rule allowed truckers to drive with only a 34 hour restart period every week, meaning

When people imagine an ATV accident, many picture a high speed collision with a tree or other obstacle. Some people will imagine falling off the vehicle while riding through the dunes or after hitting a bump in the forest. While these type of incidents do occur, one of the most

Housing is back! This wonderful development is all over the news, and the uptick in construction jobs is a boon for many struggling communities. Before the Great Recession, housing was responsible for a large percentage of jobs in many towns across the country, and when housing cratered it took those

Farms remain the center of family life for many Americans all across the country. From California to upstate New York, from Texas to Wisconsin, farmers are the backbone of the country. This style of living, though nowhere near as common as it was fifty or a hundred years ago, is

It’s always good to reach for the stars. Since the earliest days of recorded history, man has dreamed of reaching beyond Earth. When that dream was finally achieved in the mid-20th Century, and especially when a man first walked on the moon, it seemed possible that one day we would

We put our absolute faith in doctors. We trust them to save our lives, to save the lives of those we love. We trust them to help us monitor our health and assist in making good choices for ourselves and our families. We put more faith in doctors than we