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The rise of metal-on-metal hip implants was supposed to be a game changer for these orthopedic procedures, as older models had short lifetimes and required replacement often. Each surgery carries the risk of infection or medical mistake, and limiting the number of procedures needed over the course of a person’s
Though the vast majority of car accidents are caused by unsafe driver behavior, there are times when the design of a road plays a role in the collision. There are many ways engineers and city planners can reduce the risk of accidents. Oftentimes a slight change in placement of a
When driving, it is difficult to quickly assess the comparative danger level of various roads and intersections. Though a person may recognize an awkwardly situated stop sign or oddly designed one-way roads, determining whether or not any given traffic area is more dangerous than others is challenging while behind the
Careless driving is always dangerous, but is even more so when done by a truck driver, as the weight of the larger vehicle means accidents involving semis and other large vehicles are more likely to result in significant injury or death. Operators of heavy equipment and vehicles should always pay
Electrical accidents do not truly happen by accident, except perhaps on the rarest of occasions. Generally speaking, electrical incidents at the workplace are preventable, provided the employer has properly invested in safety equipment. Electricity is dangerous and sources of electricity must always be treated with the utmost respect, and there
The Cauda Equina is the bundle of nerves at the lower end of the spinal cord. This section of the central nervous system is important for providing control of the feet, ankles, knees, and anal sphincter. The lower portion of the body relies on proper functioning of the Cauda Equina
When Cauda Equina Syndrome occurs, pressure on the nerve endings at the base of the spine can result in sudden and irrevocable nerve damage, ending in paralysis or loss of sexual function. Because the time between disease onset and lasting damage can be short, a prompt diagnosis is important, as
Cauda Equina Syndrome, which occurs when significant pressure builds on the bundle of nerves at the base of the spine, is often associated with clear, emergent symptoms, such as sudden loss of feeling in the legs or loss of bowel control. Though such clear indications of this dangerous syndrome do
Compartment syndrome is a dangerous condition that occurs when swelling in one “compartment” of the body is unable to self-alleviate due to restrictions the construction of the body places on fluid moving from one zone to another. When the pressure from excess fluid builds to dangerous levels, organs can lose
The middle of February saw yet another ice storm stretch across New York State, rendering many streets and highways unsafe. This was just the latest in a stretch of months with major storms occurring, snarling traffic and resulting in dozens of car accidents. The wintry road conditions pose major risks