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CBS in Los Angeles has reported an exciting breakthrough in the treatment of concussions and other brain injuries. James Lechleiter, a professor, has proposed a pill that, when given soon after the injury, can prevent the worst symptoms of concussions. This is the first potential true breakthrough in the treatment

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that insanity was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If this is true, then some of those in charge of the subway system in bigger cities should be investigated. Five years after a terrible crash on the Red

The whole point of a school is to be a center of learning. We send our children from kindergarten to high school with the expectation that they will receive an education. Learning is viewed as the key to getting a good job and making good money. A quality education is

The modern age has gifted us with hundreds of different chemicals, each with different purposes and safety instructions. Many of these chemicals are incredibly useful, which is why we are willing to risk using them despite their inherent dangers. Thankfully, manufacturers provide us with detailed information through MSDS sheets. Unfortunately,

A tragic tale out of Tampa, Florida reminds us all of the danger that surrounds almost every building in America. A 22-year-old young man heard a loud boom, looked outside to find the fence was on fire, and rushed out to try to keep the fire from spreading while his

We have all seen the physical devastation wrought by terrible accidents. We have all seen people with horrible scars, people in wheelchairs, people racked by pain on an hourly basis. We are all very familiar with these awful outcomes. But all of these are just the tip of the iceberg

You’re afraid to tell anyone. Everyone will just assume you were clumsy, or old, or not paying attention. So you don’t mention it, coming up with some flimsy excuse for how you hurt your hand or your back. You don’t want people to think badly of you. You let your

Everything is bigger in Texas, including the scale of their attempts to make sure that the trucks that drive I-10, I-45, I-20, I-35, US 59 and the other major roadways are safe. The plan is called “Operation Roadcheck,” and it’s been going on for twenty-seven years now. But just because

Trust the experts. That’s the conventional wisdom, and most of us tend to follow conventional wisdom. Nothing is more reassuring than knowing that an expert team of doctors and nurses is providing care to our sick child. But sometimes even the experts aren’t aware of problems with the supplies their

They are there to help you at your most vulnerable times. Whether you are in a car accident or have a heart attack, first responders can be the literal difference between life and death. We respect all they do for us, and we trust that they won’t make things worse.