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Daily inspection doesn’t make old machinery any newer. The best technicians in the world can only do so much to keep decaying equipment functioning. And yet many businesses continue to use old technology, even in situations where malfunction could cost people their lives. The mechanical failure of a ski lift
You didn’t hit your head that hard. At least that’s what you keep telling yourself. There are many times in life we bump our heads. Sometimes it’s as simple as trying to stand up too quickly after reaching under the table for a kid’s toy. Or we trip and fall
Car accidents continue to kill and injure thousands of Americans every year. To a certain extent, we think we are prepared for the outcomes of a car accident; best case scenario, there are no injuries, and maybe our insurance cost goes up a little. If we’re less lucky, we sustain
We think we know how a bus accident will happen. Either the bus will be struck by a truck or car, or the bus will lose traction on the road and flip over. We have seen so many movies and have such active imaginations, we think we can guess how
Always use the crosswalk. That is what we are taught from a young age, as if a crosswalk is a magical thing that can protect us from all harm. As pedestrians, all we can do is follow the rules of the road and pray. All too often, that isn’t enough.
Finz & Finz, P.C., commenced a wrongful death action against a tractor mechanic, a farm neighbor and CNH, the manufacturer of a farm tractor that was modified by bypassing the safety start switch. The switch was intended to prevent the tractor from starting in gear and moving unless the clutch
On April 15, 2015 at 5PM, a unanimous Manhattan jury awarded Jose Humareda $14,768,000 after a six-week trial before Justice Lynn Kotler. Mr. Humareda was represented by Stuart L. Finz of the preeminent national law firm Finz & Finz, P.C. On April 23, 2010, Jose Humareda, a 61-year-old porter at
Of the most common causes of car accidents, three are more personally preventable than the rest. Though we have some control over whether we drive in bad weather, sometimes we have no choice but to brave a bad road. And though mechanical failure is sometimes preventable with good maintenance, sometimes
It’s hard to imagine an image more terrifying to parents. On March 24th, 2015, a Pennsylvania school bus carrying nine children plowed into a home, the front of the bus destroying a wall, the nose of the bus not even visible in the pictures shown on the evening news. Horrified
Few things are as terrifying as the thought of an airplane accident. Whether your imagination conjures images of a breached hull at 30,000 feet or a devastating crash that strews wreckage for miles, just the idea of being in an airplane accident is enough to keep thousands of people on