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It’s become common knowledge that driving on certain holidays is dangerous. Drunk drivers are much more common on New Year’s Eve, Halloween, the day of the Super Bowl, and St. Patrick’s Day than they are on most other days. But when looking at the calendar, holidays aren’t the only thing

These are exciting times for workplace safety. 2015 promises to be a banner year for protecting workers in the workplace, as the Obama administration plans to implement a number of important changes through OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and MSHA (the Mining Safety and Health Administration). These changes

The ongoing drought in California has already changed the lives of the average citizen in many major ways. Water restrictions are in place in many cities, and the price of produce has increased. Many farmers have been forced to sell their farms as they can’t get the needed water for

Major accidents at major theme parks get major press attention, but the majority of injuries at amusement parks come at much smaller establishments. Local miniature golf arenas often offer other attractions in addition to the mini golf course, attractions such as video games, laser tag, and go karts. Many of

It happens every spring. The air turns warmer and we want to be outside. And there are few places better to enjoy the warmer weather than the ocean or a lake. And what’s a more fun way to enjoy water than to hop on a jet ski? Following proper safety

When it comes to accidents on the highways, certain vehicles are associated with worse outcomes than others. Three types of vehicles in particular have these negative outcomes, either for the driver of the vehicle or for the people in the vehicle they hit. These three are: Motorcycles, where the small

The excitement of learning you are pregnant quickly gives way a hundred fears. There are so many things that can go wrong, both during the pregnancy and once the child is born and growing, that it is only natural for parents to worry. And doctors don’t help. One of the

It is always bad to get hurt. Not only do we feel pain and need time to heal, taking us away from things we enjoy, but most bad injuries leave some kind of scar. These scars remain, reminding us of the terrible thing we endured, adding psychological pain to the