Category: Premises Liability

swimming pool in new york

Spending time in the water – whether in the pool, at the lake, or on the beach – is a favorite outdoor activity for many families. Nevertheless, despite the fun that your children can have when playing in or around water, there are many risks to be aware of. One

Historic apartment buildings in New York may pose a threat to public safety if not properly maintained

Landlords in New York have a duty to keep the apartment premises and sidewalks safe. If there are hazards, damage, or dangerous conditions, they must warn tenants. If the owner of the property fails to meet the required standard of care, they can be held liable for negligence. Too often,

sidewalk grate in front of a NY apartment building

New York sidewalks must be kept in a safe condition to prevent accidents. One of the most common causes of sidewalk accidents in New York is vaults and grates that are broken, defective, worn-out, or otherwise present an obstacle that leads to injury. These issues are often preventable or easily

snowy sidewalks in front of a new york apartment building

Generally speaking, the owner of a property has a legal obligation to maintain that property in a safe and reasonable condition. When a property owner fails to properly maintain their property, and someone is injured, the injured party may bring a premises liability claim. Dangerous conditions include and snow, broken

a man in a wheelchair

The True Tale: Great composers and lyricists have the anointed gift of separating human emotions by turning their special creations into poetry. On point, and most recently, I saw a TV commercial announcing the future showing of an old movie filmed upon a hit Broadway musical. The film was “Annie”,

a man falling on wet floor

A slip and fall is an accident where an individual is injured due to hazardous or dangerous conditions while on someone’s property. Your slip and fall could be the result of the property owner’s negligence, or it could be caused by other factors, such as the weather. No matter the

Public transportation systems require ongoing maintenance and improvements to ensure that they are safe for public use. However, far too often, negligence and mismanagement allow these systems to fall into disrepair, putting you and your loved ones at risk. Unfortunately, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York City is

The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) works throughout the city overseeing and monitoring construction projects. This department ensures that construction sites are safe, buildings are well-constructed, and that property managers and owners keep their property up to code. The DOB helps keep construction workers and civilians stay safe