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The bus is an American staple, used to transport millions of people every year. With their large capacity, buses can be the ideal choice for a variety of different situations. When driving the highways or even just making a quick trip to the supermarket, buses are a common sight, with

Urgent Cares promise fast medical care in non-emergency situations, even without an appointment. For some families, Urgent Cares acts as a replacement for primary care physicians, as the family only utilizes healthcare services in the rare circumstance they need a prescription to treat something they can’t sleep away. Most patients

Expecting the tobacco companies to care about the health and safety of their customers is unrealistic. Time and again it has been shown that the only thing that matters is the bottom line, and they are willing to cause disastrous health problems to consumers if it increases their profits. There

With all the problems Americans have with defective drug design, it is easy to lose track of the fact that this is actually a worldwide problem. Most pharmaceuticals designed in America are also sold globally, meaning millions of more consumers are suffering negative side effects than many Americans realize. Seventy

For decades the Nuclear Industry has insisted that the accident at Three Mile Island, though terrifying, had no major effect on the health of Americans who lived nearby. The radiation was mostly contained, they insisted, and exposure to limited doses of radiation does not necessarily cause harm. New research out

Five people are dead and more injured after a workplace shooting in Orlando, Florida the morning of June 5th, 2017. Police are still searching for answers as to the motive of the shooter, but early reports indicate the assailant was a former worker at the warehouse where the shootings took

The failure of Metal-on-Metal hip implants is now well established. Multiple manufacturers have recalled the devices, a clear acknowledgment that the devices are unsafe. A series of successful lawsuits against some of those companies have established that these implants were defective at the design stage, posing a serious health risk

A worker at a decommissioned nuclear weapons facility in Washington State might have carried radioactive contamination home with him after his clothes were exposed. The incident happened on May 18th. Politicians in the state are calling on the federal government to expedite the decontamination of the site, a project which