It should have been the happiest day of his life. It should have been a new beginning, a day where he and his wife took their first steps into their new shared experience. It should have been all those things, but bad choices led to a very bad outcome. Instead of the happiest girl in the world, the new bride was left the unhappiest widow.
The wedding reception was barely over when the bride, groom, and some of the wedding party took off by SUV truck. It had been a particularly festive celebration and, according to witnesses, large amounts of alcohol were involved. The driver of the truck was reportedly one of those who had been drinking. The truck skidded off the road, and the groom was killed in the accident.
On very happy days, it can be easy to forget to follow the same rules we follow the rest of the year. One drink leads to two, and the next thing you know you are climbing into a car with a drunk driver. We must always keep our wits about us, and that means being safe no matter the situation. Please, if you are at a party where large quantities of alcohol are being consumed, make sure you:
- Have a designated driver ahead of time
- Keep your alcohol consumption to one drink an hour or less
- Drink water between alcoholic beverages
- Pay attention to how much others drink and encourage them not to drink and drive
Most drunk driving stories are not like this one. Most involve a drunk driver hitting and killing someone in another car. But thousands of passengers riding with drunk drivers are also killed every year. If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident with a drunk driver, whether you were a passenger or not, please contact an attorney to make sure you keep the same thing from happening to someone else.