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Determining where to file a product liability lawsuit can be extremely difficult, as oftentimes the plaintiff has a choice of filing in the state of residence or in the state where the company who manufactures the product associated with a lawsuit is located. Each state has different rules in effect

Spring flings and summer carnivals will be heating up as the winter releases its hold on the country. Children and young adults will be gathering to have some carefree fun in a variety of environments. But parents should be aware of the risks these children face in these situations. Bounce

Car accidents are always scary. But for a pregnant woman, the fear is amplified by the additional risk to the unborn baby. All accidents, from simple fender-benders to head-on collisions, pose a danger to the developing fetus. In fact, even slamming on the brakes unexpectedly can harm the baby. If

After nearly ten years of denials, Takata Corp. has finally pleaded guilty to criminal charges regarding hiding severe risk of death and injury associated with exploding airbags. These airbags were responsible for multiple deaths and hundreds of serious injuries due to the expulsion of shrapnel from the airbag. Takata had

Car manufacturers are working with the government to minimize the risk of rollover accidents. Rollover accidents, particularly with Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) and other top-heavy vehicles, became more and more common through the 1990s as SUVs became more popular with consumers. Though some car companies have implemented new technologies to

When you are in an accident, it is reasonable to be disoriented, especially in the first few minutes after the collision occurs. You take those moments to gather yourself, make sure that you and your loved ones aren’t too significantly injured, and then you start the process of calling the

An extreme example of the dangers present in many schools occurred in Joplin, Missouri on March 4th, 2017. A high school student was volunteering at an elementary school, mentoring young players, when he was crushed and killed by one of the basketball goals during the game. Authorities are still investigating