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If you were to sit down and design the most unsafe situation for a passenger on a tour bus, you would look at three things: the driver, the bus, and the environment. Evaluating each, you would determine what details each might possess that would increase the risk of a dangerous

Selling false hope to people suffering from significant medical issues is nothing new. “Snake oil salesmen” traveled the Old West, peddling miracle cures that were often little more than alcohol mixed with whatever random substances the salesman had. These “cures” never actually cured anything, but they made the huckster enough

IV infiltration is insidious. Many times, the doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals are completely unaware it has happened until serious damage has been done to the patient. IV infiltration occurs when the IV fluids being administered leak into surrounding tissue either due to a misplaced IV or because the

Crossing guards have a lot of safety advantages that ordinary pedestrians do not. Armed with stop signs and bright safety vests, and usually manning clearly marked crosswalks during school hours, crossing guards expect that most drivers will be going approximately 15 miles per hour and will be on the lookout

The criminal justice system is depended upon to provide justice for the American people. Whatever the crime and whoever the criminal, the system is supposed to be fair and impartial, and is supposed to make sure that the guilty are punished and the innocent go free. But sometimes, relying only

The link between statins and diabetes has been well-established for years now, but most studies have focused on the general population, without recognizing gender differences and the biological changes the body undergoes as we age. Recent studies have begun to zero in on individual population cohorts, and we are beginning

The New York Times is reporting that younger men are increasingly dying from colon cancer. For the last year, scientific studies have indicated again and again that the incidence rate of colon cancer in this cohort was increasing, but doctors had theorized that this could have been the result of

Driving while tired poses significant risks, both to the person suffering from fatigue and to the other drivers on the road. Fatigue has been shown to have as significant an effect on reaction times as alcohol. A person who has not slept in 24 hours is as dangerous a driver

Student Insurance Plans for elementary through high school age students are not an entirely new invention, but the fact some school districts are starting to act as a go-between for these insurance companies is new. There has been no widespread attempt to determine just how common it has become for