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Dog bites can cause significant injury and even death. When a dog bites a person, there is a risk of damage to muscle and bone, and also a risk of infection. But the most significant risk comes from nerve damage. A particularly vicious dog bite can sever a nerve entirely,

A boiler explosion in a Texas hospital on June 26th, 2018 left one dead and fifteen injured. The explosion destroyed large portions of the facility and forced residents of nearby long-term care facilities and nursing homes to be moved. A natural gas explosion occurred elsewhere nearby earlier in the day,

An accident in Missouri on July 19th, 2018, left 17 dead, including nine members of one family. The duck boat capsized in a heavy storm, leaving rescue officials scrambling to save as many lives as they could. Sadly, the weather interfered with rescue efforts, and despite the best efforts of

An incident in Connecticut is drawing attention to the fact that some intersections are the site of recurrent bicycle-car accidents. A six year old boy on a bicycle was struck and killed by a car in Bristol, Connecticut on July 24th, 2018 while at an intersection where a bike path

Whenever a drunk driver gets behind the wheel, he puts people at risk. Most of the time, people associate the dangers of driving under the influence with people piloting automobiles. But motorcycle drivers can be just as dangerous as car drivers when they have a drink and still choose to

Retained Products of Conception (RPOC) are remnants of the placenta and other tissue which can remain in the uterus postpartum. Doctors should carefully monitor for signs of RPOC, as this condition leaves the mother particularly vulnerable to developing sepsis. One of the most common, and dangerous, signs of RPOC is

Carbon monoxide exposure is a hidden menace that can occur in a variety of situations, mostly involving enclosed spaces and machinery or appliances. Running a vehicle in a garage or using poorly ventilated stoves or water heaters runs the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Fires, including house fires, apartment fires,

Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone, frequently caused by Staphylococcus aureus but also associated with other bacteria. Osteomyelitis can occur in any individual, but is most commonly associated with patients who have undergone certain treatments or suffered certain diseases. Osteomyelitis is more common after a joint replacement or after

A ten percent spike in toddler drowning deaths shows 420 deaths in 2015 to 462 deaths in 2016. Though toddlers and children can drown in any body of water, no matter how small, the vast majority of these deaths are linked to swimming pools. Improperly fencing and gating a pool

Ben Jacobs, an experienced litigator and appellate attorney, is the newest addition to our legal team. Ben grew up in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. He graduated with a B.A. from Columbia University, and then received his Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School, where he was President of the Harvard American Civil