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The True Tale: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the world renown poet who died in 1861, wrote a sonnet to her future husband, the treasured 19th century poet Robert Browning. The first two immortal lines are, “How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.” I now transition to the current subject and

If you have had to place an elderly loved one in a nursing home, you want them to receive the absolute best care and be treated with compassion and respect at all times. Unfortunately, this does not always occur. Nursing home abuse and neglect cases are common throughout New York.

The True Tale: At a young age children are precocious. With unlimited energy they run around a small apartment as if competing in the NYC Marathon. Each corner is a new adventure! Each window sill a place to rub with little fingers! Each door to be swung open and shut

A nursing home should be an environment where your loved one can receive the care and they need to thrive. Although nursing homes have a duty to keep your loved one safe and healthy, many organizations fail to perform this essential responsibility. In the worst cases, your loved one may

The True Tale: At age 62 she was a proud wife, mother, and grandmother. Having worked most of her life, she was looking forward to the joyful years ahead. Retirement years! Travel years! Happy years! Years well-earned! Isn’t that what most want? Isn’t retirement the goal that satisfies those who

Public transportation systems require ongoing maintenance and improvements to ensure that they are safe for public use. However, far too often, negligence and mismanagement allow these systems to fall into disrepair, putting you and your loved ones at risk. Unfortunately, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York City is

The True Tale: Americans buy products by the millions. All are intended for safe and effective use. But are they? Most are, but what about those that bring harm right to the consumer’s front door? Example; A motorized lawnmower that jams up and ultimately slices a hand due to a cheap

When you visit a doctor, you expect them to use their knowledge and expertise to determine the correct diagnosis and offer you appropriate treatment. You place your trust in medical professionals during some of the most difficult and vulnerable moments of your life. However, far too many doctors disregard this