When parents send their children off to school in the morning, there is always concern that their young ones will be kept safe. Aside from more common school injuries such as accidents on the playground or while playing sports, parents now have an entire new set of concerns. What does a parent do with the possibility of everything from students with weapons roaming the halls or their children being exposed to lead in the water they drink every day?
A NYC parents group recently took to the steps of City Hall to voice their concerns over the increased number of weapons found in schools. The group addressed two incidents earlier this month at separate schools in Jamaica, Queens, in which a 15-year-old brought a gun to school and an 11-year-old was found carrying a loaded gun. The parents group also cited a report compiled from NYPD records in which the number of guns, knives and stun guns seized in City schools has dramatically increased.
Meanwhile, in the wake of the water contamination crisis in Flint, MI, school districts are under the microscope for possible high levels of lead in school water supplies. A recent article in USA Today details the frightening accounts of how often schools test for lead and how often lead is found in the water supply. This includes water in drinking fountains, locker rooms and cafeteria kitchens, all of which can have the lead contaminated water sitting in pipes for long periods of time when school is not in session.
The NYC Department of Education maintains there is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to weapons in schools and is working closely with the police department to address the problem. Many school districts across the country are now voluntarily putting measures into place to test for lead in their water supply. Despite these reassurances, parents still fear for their children in what should be a safe place for them. If your child has been injured while at school and you feel it could have been prevented, call the experienced attorneys at Finz & Finz, P.C., to hold those who did not make your child’s safety a priority responsible for their actions.