Can Fault Be Determined By Vehicular Damage?

vehicle crash

If you have been involved in a car accident in New York and the other driver’s insurer denies that they are a fault, you may attempt to use the location of the vehicular damage to prove the other driver was, in fact, at fault. The location and extent of the vehicular damage can indicate how the accident occurred. If your vehicle travels at a certain speed and in a particular direction, it will most likely cause a specific type of damage upon impact. By closely examining both vehicles involved in the accident, you can deduce what must have occurred to cause your crash.

Sometimes the vehicular damage tells the whole story. The damage may show that there’s only one way that it could have occurred. In cases like that, the car accident attorneys at Finz & Finz, P.C. can help juries connect the dots so that you are awarded the compensation you deserve.

In some cases, the damage may not tell you how the crash occurred, but it will help you rule out ways that the crash could not have happened. While the damage may not answer the question of liability, it can be a starting point in narrowing down the chain of events. To schedule a free and confidential consultation with Finz & Finz, P.C., call 855-TOP-FIRM today.

Different types of car accidents leave different types of damage to different areas of your vehicle:

Rear-end crash. If you were rear-ended by another vehicle, your rear bumper would likely show signs of damage. On the other hand, the vehicle that struck you from behind should have damage to the front bumper.

Head-on collision. This type of accident will damage the front bumper of your car. It will also damage the front bumper of the vehicle you collided with.

Side-swipe. Each vehicle involved should have damage on its side.

T-bone accident. Your vehicle should have damage on its side, while the vehicle that hit you should have damage on its front bumper.

Rollover. This depends on the circumstances. Vehicles roll onto their sides after being hit in the rear, on the side, or the front. The car that struck your car could have damage to various locations.

How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help

The New York car accident attorneys of Finz & Finz, P.C. can help with all aspects of your car accident claim, including:

  • Listen to your concerns.
  • Answer all your questions
  • Keep you updated on the progress of your car accident claim.
  • Thoroughly investigate your car accident.
  • Identify all liable parties.
  • Call on accident reconstruction experts to help pinpoint the exact cause of the collision.
  • Collect all relevant evidence necessary for a strong case.
  • Gather medical records and expenses.
  • Consult with doctors to determine the full extent of your injuries.
  • Estimate future medical bills related to your accident.
  • Handle all communication with insurance companies while you focus on your health and recovery.
  • Negotiate a full and fair settlement.
  • If a settlement cannot be reached, take your case to trial.

If you have been injured in a car accident that was due to no fault of your own, you can benefit from the help of a qualified personal injury attorney. A skilled and experienced New York car accident lawyer can help maximize the compensation you are owed for all of your injuries.

Insurance companies will try to offer the lowest settlement they can. Don’t accept their offer. Take advantage of a free consultation with an attorney so you can learn more about your legal options.

If you have sustained serious injuries in a car accident, contact the experienced New York personal injury attorneys of Finz & Finz, P.C. We will fight to help you recover the maximum compensation you deserve.

How Do I Know If I Have A Claim?

If you have suffered an injury in a car accident, you likely have a claim on your hands. However, numerous factors will impact the strength of your car accident claim. An experienced attorney can help provide clarity.

The basic requirements of a car accident claim are:

  1. The liable party was negligent. For example, if a driver collided with your vehicle because they ran a stop sign, the driver would be considered negligent under New York law.
  2. The negligence caused your injury. If you, for instance, sustained a broken leg because of a car crash caused by another driver, their negligence would be considered to have caused the injury.
  3. The injury resulted in damages for which you may be compensated. If your injuries resulted in damages such as medical expenses and loss of income, the injuries would have resulted in compensatory damages.

Types of Compensation

If you have been injured in a car accident in New York that was caused by another party, you might be entitled to compensation for the injuries you sustained. The two main types of compensation are economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages provide compensation for losses that can be easily quantified. Common examples of economic damages include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages from missed work
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages compensate you for more subjective, harder-to-quantify losses that you sustain, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Mental anguish
  • Disability or disfigurement

Contact a New York Car Accident Attorney

 If you have been seriously hurt in a car crash caused by a negligent party, the New York City car accident lawyers of Finz & Finz, P.C. can help. No matter the injury or vehicular damage you sustained, our skilled and compassionate lawyers can make sure you recover the compensation you deserve. Call 855-TOP-FIRM now so we can get started on your case.

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Finz & Finz, P.C. is a New York and Long Island personal injury law firm based out of Mineola, NY. It was founded in 1984 and is highly rated, with many honors and awards of excellence.