New York City Nursing Home Neglect Dehydration Lawyers

When nursing home residents do not get adequate hydration, crucial body functions can be disrupted and stop altogether. Proper water intake is vital to good health, and dehydration can be especially harmful to the elderly. If your loved one has suffered due to dehydration or another personal injury at a nursing home, it is important to consult with an experienced nursing home abuse attorney.
Finz & Finz, P.C., lawyers are dedicated to helping victims of nursing home neglect and elder abuse. They have extensive experience handling nursing home negligence cases for clients throughout New York.
If your love one has suffered due to nursing home abuse, take action today. Call Finz & Finz, P.C., now toll free at (855) TOP-FIRM or simply fill out the free case evaluation form. The firm’s New York City nursing home neglect dehydration attorneys are prepared to help.
Dehydration in Nursing Homes
Dehydration can cause a wide range of medical conditions. When elderly nursing home residents are not provided with adequate hydration, they are more susceptible to urinary tract infections, bedsores, pneumonia and life-threatening electrolyte imbalances.
Causes of dehydration in nursing homes include:
- Loss of fluids due to illness such as diarrhea or fever
- Medication side effects
- Kidney problems
- Decreased thirst sensation
It is the responsibility of the nursing home and its staff to make sure residents receive adequate hydration and nutrition. Elderly residents are often unable to communicate their needs, so staff members must be diligent in providing water regularly and monitoring residents for signs of dehydration.
Finz & Finz, P.C., attorneys are skilled in uncovering abuse and neglect in nursing homes and can help you pursue full and fair compensation on behalf of your loved one.
Dehydration Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer New York City
If you, a family member or friend has suffered due to nursing home abuse, contact Finz & Finz, P.C., now toll free at (855) TOP-FIRM or fill out the free nursing home abuse case evaluation form.