What Is Your Car Accident Worth in Queens, NY?


If you’ve recently been hurt in a car accident in Queens, you probably want to know what your claim is worth. Estimating the value of a car accident claim can be challenging, and arriving at an accurate figure requires a careful examination of the facts. What you don’t want to do is settle before you know what it’s worth. That’s why you should speak with an experienced and knowledgeable car accident attorney before accepting an auto injury settlement. Your Queens personal injury lawyer can review your claim, calculate the fair value of your financial losses, and push back if your offer is insufficient.

How Does No-Fault Insurance Affect Your Car Accident Claim?

New York is a no-fault insurance state. That means, when you are involved in a car accident in Queens, you first seek compensation from your own insurance company, not the at-fault driver’s. New York requires all motorists to carry minimum liability insurance and personal injury protection, or PIP, insurance. PIP coverage is the “no-fault” part of the New York car insurance system. Personal injury protection policies typically cover the following: 

  • All reasonable and necessary medical bills related to the collision
  • Up to 80 percent of lost wages
  • Reasonable expenses like household help and transportation to medical appointments

So, how does no-fault insurance affect your car accident claim? With no-fault insurance, your insurer should cover your reasonable medical expenses. However, you can only recover a portion of your lost wages, and you’re subject to the limits of your policy. Furthermore, PIP won’t cover your pain and suffering, which could be severe.

If your expenses exceed your coverage limits, you may need to consider other avenues for pursuing compensation, such as a personal injury lawsuit. Your ability to do so will partly rest on whether your injuries meet New York’s serious injury threshold

What Factors Determine Compensation?

Several factors can impact your auto injury settlement amount, including:

  • The availability of insurance policies and other means of communication
  • The severity of your injuries and the expense of treatment
  • Who caused the auto accident
  • Your physical pain and emotional suffering

Ultimately, the value of your claim is subjective, and how much you could recover depends on your ability to advocate for yourself effectively. That is why you should work with an experienced Queens car accident attorney who can accurately calculate the value of your losses. The insurance companies want you to accept a speedy settlement offer so they can save money and move on to the next claim in the stack.

Before you accept a check and sign on the dotted line, discuss your claim with a Queens car accident lawyer. A lawyer can consider all the factors that may determine compensation in your car accident case and negotiate aggressively on your behalf for the money you need.

Examples of Car Accident Injury Settlements

Still wondering what the average car accident settlement in New York is? The attorneys of Finz & Finz, P.C. don’t think you should settle for average. Instead, let us handle your car accident lawsuit and seek to maximize your compensation. Look at our case results to see some of the car accident settlement examples we’ve achieved for our clients. To date, we have recovered over $1 billion in verdicts and settlements for the people we represent. 

Contact Our Queens Car Accident Lawyers for Help

You need help pursuing maximum compensation after a car accident. Let the skilled legal team at Finz & Finz, P.C. give you that help. Contact our Queens office today and arrange a free consultation with a Queens car accident lawyer who can help you demand the money you deserve.