New York City Nursing Home Restraint Injury Attorneys

Restraints are often necessary in nursing homes to protect residents from falls, elopement, and other dangers. Improper use of restraints, however, can present its own dangers, putting nursing home residents at risk of serious injury and even wrongful death.
If a loved one has suffered due to a restraint injury, it may be a case of nursing home negligence. The attorneys at Finz & Finz, P.C., can help you explore your legal options and protect your family member’s rights.
If your love one has suffered due to nursing home abuse, take action today. Call Finz & Finz, P.C., now toll free at (855) TOP-FIRM or simply fill out the free case evaluation form. The firm’s New York City nursing home restraint injury lawyers are prepared to help.
Physical and Chemical Restraint Injuries
Restraints are generally divided into two categories: physical and chemical. Physical restraints include straps, belts, bed rails, and other devices. Chemical restraints include sedatives and other medications.
The use of restraints in nursing homes is restricted by state and federal law. The Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 prohibits the use of physical and chemical restraints for the use of discipline or for the convenience of staff members.
Restraints can only be used for the following reasons:
- They are necessary to ensure the safety of the resident or other residents.
- They are ordered by a physician.
Restraint injuries can include fractures, lacerations, chaffing, strangulation, and even wrongful death. Finz & Finz, P.C., lawyers are well versed in the causes of nursing home injuries and can help you determine if negligence played a role in your loved one’s injury.
Legal Help for Nursing Home Abuse Victims and Their Families
If you, a family member or friend has suffered due to nursing home abuse, contact Finz & Finz, P.C., now toll-free at (855) TOP-FIRM or fill out the free nursing home abuse case evaluation form.