Sinemet Drug Injury Lawyer in New York City
What Is Sinemet?
Sinemet (levodopa/carbidopa) is a recombinant drug prescribed to treat the tremor-like symptoms, which plague patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease or other forms of dyskinesia. Sinemet combines the drugs levodopa to address dopamine deficiency, and carbidopa to off-set the side-effects of levodopa.
Though sinemet has many of the common side-effects shared with other dopamine affecting agents (e.g., dry mouth, sweating, or upset stomach), the severe side-effects that some patients who have taken sinemet suffer can be characterized as alarming, at best, including, but not limited to dyspnea (a/k/a difficult breathing, or inability to catch your breath); melena (a/k/a tarry stool, possibly indicating gastric-hemorrhaging); and, hematemesis (a/k/a blood in vomit, possibly indicating gastric-hemorrhaging); depression (including thoughts of suicide); exsanguinations, and even death.
How Does Sinemet Work?
The mechanism of sinemet’s efficacy can be understood by looking at its components, and their respective separate functions.
The drug levodopa is naturally metabolized in the human body into dopamine (a neurotransmitter) by the enzyme DOPA-decarboxylase. One function of dopamine is to stimulate neurons which control motor functions performed by muscles. Levodopa affects both the peripheral and central nervous systems. That said, while its effects experienced by the central nervous system of patients is successful in lessening the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, its effects experienced by the peripheral nervous system induces nausea and even vomiting.
The drug carbidopa is a DOPA–decarboxylase inhibitor that, because of its very polar molecular nature cannot cross the blood-brain barrier; and, therefore, remains, primarily, in the peripheral nervous system of the patient taking it. That makes it attractive for the purpose of functioning as an inhibitor of the affect that drugs like levodopa have on the peripheral nervous system (e.g., nausea, or vomiting). Additionally, by inhibiting effects experienced by the peripheral nervous system, carbidopa simultaneously causes the quantity of levodopa in the bloodstream to rise; and, therefore, causes an increase in the quantity of levodopa available to enter the brain and address the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
What Are The Side-effects of Sinemet?
Common side effects include:
- confusion;
- drowsiness;
- headache;
- nausea;
- upset stomach;
- urinary tract infection; and,
- vomiting.
Severe side effects include:
- allergic reactions;
- vomiting blood;
- pain in the chest;
- clinical depression;
- heartbeat frequency increases;
- hallucinations;
- stiffness or muscle pain;
- involuntary movements;
- abdominal pain;
- dizziness;
- suicidal thoughts;
- changes in sight; and,
- jaundice symptoms (skin or eyes).
Legal Help For Sinemet Drug Injury Victims in New York City
If you or a loved one believe that you or they suffer from injuries as a result of the use of the drug Sinemet, contact a Sinemet lawyer at Finz & Finz, P.C., now toll free at (855) TOP-FIRM or simply complete the Free Sinemet Drug Injury Case Evaluation form to find out how Finz & Finz, P.C., can help you.