Queens Pedestrian Accident Injuries


Were you hit by a motor vehicle in Queens? A pedestrian accident can leave you with severe injuries and medical bills you may be unable to pay, especially if you cannot work. You shouldn’t be responsible for those expenses if someone else is at fault. Let the attorneys at Finz & Finz, P.C. stand up for you and fight for the financial compensation you deserve.

Our family-run law firm has represented New Yorkers for generations, successfully recovering over a billion dollars in fair compensation so our clients can move on with their lives. You can count on us to provide the same zealous representation in your pedestrian accident claim, so don’t wait. Contact our Queens personal injury lawyer today for a free consultation.

Risk Factors for Pedestrians

While any pedestrian accident can cause life-altering injuries, certain risk factors predispose some individuals to more severe injuries than others. Examples include:

  • Age– Children have less experience sharing space with vehicles, making it difficult for them to judge the speed and stopping distance of oncoming cars. Conversely, older adults might struggle to see or hear cars and require more time to cross the street. They also typically have slower reaction times, limiting their ability to move quickly to avoid collisions.
  • Employment type– Construction workers, road maintenance employees, and delivery drivers face an increased risk of pedestrian accidents because their occupations require them to work on busy roadways near traffic.
  • Socioeconomic status– Individuals in lower-income areas might not have access to adequately paved, marked, or designated pedestrian infrastructure, increasing the potential for a pedestrian to be struck by a vehicle.

Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries

A pedestrian accident injury can be debilitating, mainly because the body has no defense from the direct impact of a collision with a car. Common injuries sustained in pedestrian accidents include:

  • Broken bones– Fractures to the knees, ankles, legs, hips, pelvis, and arms can immobilize accident victims for weeks or months as their bones heal, potentially preventing them from working.
  • Facial injuries– Cuts or abrasions to the face, eyes, and ears can cause vision impairment, hearing loss, and permanent disfigurement. These injuries commonly occur when a person’s head and face make contact with the hood or windshield of a car.
  • Internal organ damage– A punctured lung, bruised kidneys, or internal bleeding could cause disruptions in normal organ functions.
  • Spinal cord injuries– Spinal injuries can cause catastrophic harm, potentially causing temporary or permanent paralysis.
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) – Concussions, hemorrhaging, and other severe brain or head injuries may result from hitting the pavement or a car. TBIs can cause long-term damage, impairing critical cognitive functions and leading to lifelong disabilities.

Sadly, pedestrian accident injuries sometimes prove fatal. Roughly 300 New Yorkers die and another 15,000 are injured each year after getting hit by cars, according to the New York State Department of Health.

Compensation Available for Pedestrian Accident Victims

Injured pedestrians have legal rights under New York law. If you sustained injuries in a Queens pedestrian accident, you could have the right to compensation for your:

  • Medical bills, including hospital stays, pain management, and future medical treatment
  • Rehabilitation expenses for services like physical, occupational, or speech therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Damaged personal property

Seeking compensation after a pedestrian accident can be challenging. Insurance companies work hard to prevent payouts on even the most valid claims. Consult an experienced Queens pedestrian accident lawyer from Finz & Finz, P.C. before accepting any settlement offer from the insurance company.

Safety Tips to Prevent Pedestrian Accidents

Consider the following pedestrian safety tips as you walk through Queens:

  • Avoid distractions– Put your phone away and focus on your surroundings.
  • Face the driver– Make direct eye contact with drivers before crossing the street to confirm they can see you.
  • Look before crossing– It may seem obvious, but checking traffic and the road before you cross can alert you to imminent hazards and help you avoid danger.
  • Remain visible– It might be tempting to dart between stopped cars to save time, but an unprepared driver might not see you in time to stop. Cross the street in designated areas only.
  • Use intersections– Use crosswalks with traffic control signals to increase your ability to cross safely. Look both ways before walking, even if you have the signal and the right of way.

What to Do After a Pedestrian Accident

The aftermath of a pedestrian crash can feel chaotic and disorienting. However, there are ways to protect yourself and any future personal injury claim you may wish to file. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Call 911 – This will summon police and paramedics to the accident scene. If a first responder recommends going to the hospital for your injuries, never refuse. Go immediately. Your health is always the priority.

If your injuries do not require emergency attention, you should:

  • Collect contact details– Exchange essential information like names, addresses, phone numbers, the name of the driver’s insurance company, insurance policy number, and vehicle details. Write down the contact information for any witnesses, too.
  • Seek medical attention– Make an appointment to see your doctor immediately. They can diagnose injuries that may not be readily apparent. Your medical records will provide a clear link between your injuries and the pedestrian accident, which will be the foundation for your injury claim.
  • Don’t make detailed statements– Only provide the facts when speaking to the police or insurance company. Don’t speculate about fault or responsibility. Premature assertions could create unintended legal consequences and risk the claim’s integrity.
  • Call a pedestrian accident attorney– Consult a lawyer immediately to learn your legal rights. An experienced New York pedestrian accident lawyer can gather evidence, file your claim, handle stressful communications with insurers, and demand maximum compensation to cover your losses.

Statute of Limitations to File a Pedestrian Injury Lawsuit

You have three years from the date of the pedestrian accident to file a lawsuit in New York. However, the statute of limitations could differ if your case involves certain factors like:

  • A government entity
  • An initially undiscoverable injury or medical condition
  • A victim under 18

These factors could lengthen or shorten your case’s statute of limitations, and missing critical deadlines can impact your ability to recover compensation. Contact an experienced pedestrian accident attorney as soon as possible to avoid missing out on the money you deserve.

Contact our Queens Pedestrian Accident Lawyers for Help

The pedestrian accident lawyers at Finz & Finz, P.C. are highly skilled in all areas of New York personal injury law. Our nationally recognized firm will provide all the resources you need for your claim, including prominent medical experts and top-tier service. A serious accident can affect every aspect of your life, and we know what it takes to deliver a settlement or verdict that acknowledges the full extent of your losses. Call or contact us today for a free consultation.