Legacy Founder

Leonard Finz
(8/17/1924 - 2/1/2023)
Founder and Former NYS Supreme Court Justice
Leonard Finz
(8/17/1924 - 2/1/2023)
Founder and Former NYS Supreme Court Justice


Attorney Stuart Finz
Partner, Trial Attorney, and CEO
Cheri Finz
Partner and Managing Attorney
New York personal injury attorney Todd Rubin
Partner and Trial Attorney

Associate Attorneys

Jaqueline Finz
Associate Attorney
Brandon Finz
Associate Attorney
Caramia Hart
Trial Attorney
Benjamin Jacobs
Appellate Attorney
braelan barnett new york med mal atty
Associate Attorney

Of Counsel

joseph g. golia
Of Counsel
Former New York State Supreme Court Justice
Joseph Lisa
Of Counsel
Former New York State Supreme Court Justice
George Heymann
Of Counsel
Former New York City Housing Court Judge
New York Personal injury attorney Yakov Markowitz
Of Counsel

Support Personnel

Carrie Schieda
Laura Castel
Legal Assistant
Evelyn Figueredo
Legal Nurse Consultant
Jerome Lane
Operations Coordinator
Paul Castel
Former NYPD and Private Investigator
Francine Luisi