Hit-and-Run Car Accident Lawyer in Long Island

Hit-and-run accident victim on the road

New York law requires that any accident involving injury or death be reported immediately to the authorities. Still, people cause crashes every day and then flee the scene, trying to escape criminal and civil liability.

Hit-and-run accidents can be particularly dangerous because accident victims are left in a vulnerable condition. Their treatment may be delayed, which can create additional complications. They may also not know where to turn for assistance.

When a driver leaves the scene of an accident without providing their name and contact information without any legal justification, this is typically considered a hit-and-run case. Victims in these accidents are often confused about their legal rights and options. An experienced Long Island hit-and-run accident lawyer from Finz & Finz, P.C. can help protect your rights after such a traumatizing experience. Contact our car accident lawyers today for a free case evaluation.

Hit-and-Run Accident Statistics

According to the AAA Foundation, there were nearly 2,000 hit-and-run crashes in a recent year that resulted in 2,049 fatalities. This represented the highest annual number of hit-and-run fatalities or crashes recorded since the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration began recording this data.

Common Injuries Suffered in Hit-and-Run Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents can involve all of the typical injuries that are present in other types of car accidents, including the following:

Hit-and-run accidents can be especially dangerous. Accident victims may be left at the scene, unconscious and unable to call for help. Their medical condition may worsen as they wait for emergency services. Additionally, they are left vulnerable and may be hurt in subsequent accidents if other motorists do not see them or their vehicle.

If you were hurt in a New York hit-and-run accident, turn to our compassionate team of Long Island personal injury lawyers. Three generations of attorneys operate at our family-run firm, so we know how important family is, and we want to do everything possible to protect you and your family.

What To Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident

If you or a loved one is injured in a hit-and-run accident, it is critical that you know the steps you need to take to protect your health and your rights. Here are the essential steps to follow:

  • Stay there – New York law requires you to remain at the scene of an accident involving property damage, injury, or death.
  • Check for injuries – Check yourself and your passengers for injuries. Also, check if anyone else nearby was injured, such as pedestrians.
  • Call 911 – Call 911 immediately to report the accident. Even if you think you are fine, a hit-and-run is a crime. Reporting the accident can help ensure that the authorities are aware of the accident and begin an investigation into identifying the offending driver. If you are injured, request an ambulance and follow the EMS/EMT
  • Move your vehicle to a safe location – The New York police departments typically recommend that if your vehicle is operable and you have not suffered any injuries, you should move your vehicle to a secure location, such as the nearest shoulder, the median, or the lane furthest to the right.
  • Get medical treatment – If you were not immediately transported to the hospital, seek prompt medical treatment. You will need a thorough medical exam to check for any injuries, some of which may be masked by the initial surge of adrenaline you might experience at the time of the accident. Follow your doctor’s orders and keep all of your original medical records.
  • Document the accident – Try to write down everything you remember about the accident as soon as possible, including a description of the other driver and the vehicle. Write down any portion of the license plate number you remember. Take pictures and videos of the accident scene and ask any witnesses for their names and contact information.
  • Report the accident – If you did not immediately report the accident to law enforcement at the time, do so now.

An experienced Long Island hit-and-run accident attorney can guide you through the process and help you explore all of your options for financial recovery.

Compensation Available in a New York Hit-and-Run Accident Claim

Many accident victims think they are just out of luck if a hit-and-run driver injures them. However, there may be several pathways to obtain hit-and-run accident compensation, including:

  • Uninsured motorist (UM) coverage – You may have uninsured motorist coverage that can cover some of your accident-related expenses, such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Company (MVAIC) – You may be able to pursue compensation for your accident-related expenses through MVAIC coverage. To remain eligible for this coverage, you must report the hit-and-run accident to the police within 24 hours. You must also report the accident directly to
  • Criminal restitution – If police are able to apprehend the suspect and they are convicted, you may be able to receive restitution as part of the criminal case.
  • Personal injury claim or lawsuit – The accident investigation may reveal the identity of the at-fault driver and/or other parties who may be at fault, such as the vehicle owner or an employer. You may be able to file a hit-and-run accident claim or lawsuit with these parties through their insurance providers or the court system.

These options may help you obtain compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering, property damage, and other accident-related losses. An experienced hit-and-run accident attorney can review the circumstances surrounding your case and advise you on which legal route to take.

Talk to an Experienced Hit and Run Accident Lawyer in Long Island Today

If you were hurt in a hit-and-run accident in Long Island, reach out to the nationally recognized personal injury lawyers at Finz & Finz, P.C. Call us today for a free consultation with a compassionate Long Island hit-and-run accident attorney.