New York City Workplace Accident Attorneys

If you suffered an accident in the workplace, you may be wondering what to do. Unfortunately, millions are injured each year in work-related accidents. If you are an employee who suffered an injury while performing your job in New York City, you have options. You could be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from your employer’s insurance policy, or you might be eligible to seek compensation through a third-party personal injury claim.
If you’ve been injured in New York, contact a highly experienced workplace accident lawyer from Finz & Finz, P.C. right away. We’re a nationally recognized firm with extensive experience helping those who’ve been hurt in our community. Call or reach out to our New York City personal injury attorney online today for a free case review.
New York Workplace Injury Statistics
Workplace injury statistics in the United States are staggering. There are over 2.5 million nonfatal workplace injuries each year across the country, with more than 125,000 workplace injuries occurring in New York alone.
Over 70 percent of New York’s recent workplace injury cases caused employees to lose time at work or led to a job restriction or transfer. Tragically, there are typically more than 200 workers killed in occupational accidents in New York State each year.
Most Common Work-Related Injuries in New York City
While some may seem minor, workplace injuries often require significant recovery time. They can be made worse if an aggressive supervisor pushes the injured employee to keep doing the same work that originally caused the injury. Some injuries can be life-altering, and the cost can add up quickly.
The most common work-related injuries in New York City include the following:
- Amputations
- Broken bones
- Chemical burns
- Cuts and bruises
- Crushing injuries
- Electric shock
- Hearing loss
- Muscle strains and sprains
- Paralysis
- Repetitive use injuries
- Ruptured discs or vertebrae
- Thermal burns
- Toxic chemical exposure
- Traumatic brain injuries
It’s not always clear how severe and costly an injury may ultimately be for an employee. That’s why it’s important to contact a New York City workplace accident attorney from Finz & Finz, P.C. to protect your rights.