New York City Slip and Fall Lawyer


According to the New York State Department of Health, falls are the leading cause of injury hospitalizations for adults (older than 24 years old) and children (younger than 15 years old). In addition, falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths for New Yorkers aged 45 and older. A slip and fall can have a devastating physical and emotional toll on the victim and their family. The financial burden is often crushing, with falls costing New Yorkers $1.3 billion annually in hospitalization costs alone. Many injury victims turn to a slip-and-fall accident lawyer to help them recover the compensation they need to pay medical bills, replace lost wages, and account for the pain and suffering they endured after an injury caused by the careless actions of a negligent property owner.

At Finz & Finz, P.C., we understand the dire consequences that can occur when a property owner acts negligently, and we always fight hard to demand maximum compensation for our clients. For example, we represented a home attendant who fell stairs when her power was suddenly cut off because the building owner failed to pay its utility bills. In that case, we obtained a $9 million verdict for our client. Moreover, we represented a 26-year-old stagehand who fell 35 feet when he slipped while changing a lightbulb and suffered a spinal cord injury because the landlord did not provide appropriate safety equipment. His $5 million settlement helped cover medical expenses and other damages he sustained in that preventable accident.

Our slip and fall lawyers are dedicated to helping injured victims in New York City and Long Island. Our law firm will always fights hard to help you seek justice and maximize the outcome of your case after a slip-and-fall accident. Contact us today to discuss your claim with a seasoned slip and fall attorney.

How a New York City Slip and Fall Lawyer Can Help You with Your Injury Claim

A New York City slip and fall accident lawyer can help with every aspect of fall accident claims. Your personal injury lawyer should be a trusted advocate you can rely on during this difficult time.

Some of the ways our nationally recognized slip and fall lawyers on Long Island help accident victims include:

  • Conducting a thorough investigation of your case
  • Identifying all liable parties and sources of compensation
  • Retaining industry-leading experts to support our case-specific legal strategy
  • Negotiating aggressively for a fair and full settlement
  • Preparing your case for trial
  • Providing ongoing legal advice and guidance throughout the process

Types of Slip and Fall Accidents

There are four general categories under which slip and fall accidents are grouped:

  1. Slip and fall accidents, where a person falls after losing their footing on a slippery walking surface
  2. Trip and fall accidents, where a person trips over an object that obstructed the walking path
  3. Stump and fall accidents, where a person falls due to a structural defect in the walking surface
  4. Step and fall accidents, where a person falls after stepping into an unexpected depression or hole in the walking surface

Common Injuries from a Slip and Fall Accident

Slips and falls can result in severe injuries and even death. Some of the most common injuries from slip and fall accidents include:

  • Arm injuries, including fractures and sprains to the wrist, elbow, or forearm
  • Back injuries that are painful and may prevent fall accident victims from being able to work
  • Leg, knee, and foot injuries, including stress fractures, breaks, contusions, or sprains
  • Spinal cord injuries, which may cause paralysis and permanently alter a victim’s mobility
  • Chest injuries, including rib fractures or torn cartilage
  • Head injuries, including facial trauma and concussions
  • Hip fractures and dislocations
  • Neck injuries, including fractures or soft tissue injuries
  • Internal injuries, including internal bleeding or organ damage, such as a ruptured spleen or damaged kidneys
  • Soft tissue injuries, including strains, torn ligaments, and damage to the cartilage
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can result in lifelong care costs

Most Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents in New York City

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the most common causes of slip and fall accidents are:

  • Clutter
  • Ice
  • Loose floor mats
  • Poor lighting
  • Rain
  • Rugs
  • Snow
  • Spills
  • Stepladders

New York property owners have to maintain their premises in a safe condition. When they neglect this duty, they can be held financially responsible for the fall injuries they cause.

Who is at Fault in New York Slip and Fall Injury Cases?

crutches and boot on someone who had a slip and fall injury in NY

Both parties, the property owner and the victim of a slip and fall accident, carry varying degrees of responsibility. Property owners are liable to ensure the safety of their property and properly maintain it to avoid hazards. At the same time, individuals must watch where they are going and use caution if they see a potentially unsafe walking area. However, if someone is injured, the New York property owner may be legally responsible for injuries sustained by that person’s fall.

Contact a New York City slip and fall lawyer for a free legal analysis of whether your slip and fall could be the fault of a property owner and get more information about starting a claim.

How to Prove a Slip and Fall Injury in New York

Proving slip and fall injuries in New York can be complex because you must show that a property owner knew or should have known about a dangerous condition on the property and failed to fix it. Therefore, making a successful claim often depends on providing evidence to establish the elements of your case.

An experienced personal injury lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation and obtain compelling evidence to support your claim, such as:

  • Building and maintenance records show that the property needed to be adequately maintained during the slip and fall accident.
  • Medical evidence that connects your injuries to a fall
  • Photos or videos of the slip and fall accident
  • Testimony from witnesses who saw the events leading up to the slip and fall accident, as well as from leading experts about the fall accident injuries and damages you suffered

Experienced litigators like the injury attorneys at Finz & Finz, P.C. know what evidence will help prove your claim and how to obtain it. Reach out to us to learn more about how we can help to preserve crucial evidence in your case.

How Long Do I Have to File a Slip & Fall Claim?

Most New York City slip and fall injury cases must be brought within three years of the incident. If you miss this statute of limitations, you may be forever barred from bringing your claim and receiving any compensation for your injuries.

In addition, if you fall on a property owned or maintained by a municipality such as New York City, you only have 90 days to file a notice of claim.

Your time to act is limited, so you must consult with an experienced New York City injury attorney from Finz & Finz, P.C. as soon as possible. Our law firm has won over $1 billion in compensation for our clients, and we want to help you! Our slip-and-fall injury lawyers are standing by, ready to assist you. Contact our New York City premises liability lawyer today for your free, no-obligation case strategy review.