Delivery Truck Accident in Queens, New York


If you were injured in a delivery truck accident in Queens, you may be entitled to money for what you’ve suffered. However, these accidents are complicated, and to pursue the full value of your claim, you need the help of a Queens truck accident lawyer. Contact Finz & Finz, P.C. today for a free consultation, and let’s get started right away.

Who Could Be Liable For My Injuries After a Commercial Truck Accident?

Several parties can be responsible for injuries sustained in a delivery truck accident. Your attorney must conduct a thorough investigation of the circumstances of the accident, including the ownership of the truck, to evaluate who may be held responsible for the accident and your injuries. Depending on the circumstances, that could be any of the following:

  • The truck driver – The delivery truck driver may be responsible for the accident if they violated traffic laws or simply failed to operate their vehicle with care.
  • The delivery company – If the delivery driver is an employee, the company for which they are making deliveries could be found at fault for the accident under the theory of vicarious liability. A delivery company could also be liable for its negligence, such as failure to train or supervise its drivers adequately.
  • The delivery truck manufacturer – If an equipment malfunction contributed to the accident that caused your injuries, the manufacturer of that part may be partially at fault.

Who Could be Liable For My Injuries After an Amazon Truck Accident?

Amazon heavily markets its lightning-fast shipping, which means its delivery drivers often face pressure to drive at unsafe speeds and cut corners, sometimes leading to accidents. If you suffer an injury in a collision with an Amazon truck, you may wonder who could be responsible. Amazon packages are delivered by employees of Delivery Service Partners, which are independent of Amazon and operate as separate businesses. If you’re hit by an Amazon delivery truck, one of these DPSs – rather than Amazon proper – may be responsible for paying your medical expenses and other losses.

What To Do After a Delivery Truck Accident

Taking the following steps after a delivery truck accident in Queens can help you stand up for your rights and demand fair compensation for your injuries:

  • Gather evidence – Write down your recollection of events while your memory is fresh. If you spoke to any eyewitnesses after the accident, be sure to provide their contact information to your attorney.
  • Seek follow-up treatment – Not all injuries are immediately apparent after an accident. See your primary care physician or seek medical treatment at an urgent care facility a few days after the accident. Tell the medical provider that you were in an accident so they can note it in your medical records.
  • Maintain a file – Keep a file of your medical records, any evidence you gathered at the scene, and any correspondence you receive from insurance companies.
  • Contact a delivery truck accident lawyer – Schedule a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney, and bring your file with you to the initial consultation. They can review this information to determine your options.

Contact Our Queens Truck Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation

Don’t face the consequences of your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering alone. Instead, contact Finz & Finz, P.C. today for a free consultation with a Queens personal accident lawyer. We’ve recovered over $1 billion on behalf of clients like you, and we know what it takes to win even the biggest cases. Give us a call, and let’s get started today.