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Guard rails exist for a reason. Warning systems exist for a reason. Computer monitored braking systems exist for a reason. Track warnings exist for a reason. In fact, all of these things exist for the same reason, to keep people in trains safe. But despite these safety measures, terrible things

A study published on the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information stands to upend everything we thought we knew about Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). If the study is verified by other doctors and researchers, most of the causes commonly associated with CAD are not actually responsible for the

It’s so easy to point the finger. As diabetes rates continue to rise in the United States, both among adults and children, so many people chalk it all up to the American diet. We eat too many carbs. We eat fast food too much. We drink too much soda. As

Two years and a major fine later, it is difficult to know for certain whether anything has changed. When OSHA inspected Gateway Extrusions in 2013, they found a number of serious safety issues. The most dangerous of these were: Presses lacking safety mechanisms to prevent hands or other body parts

The worst is over. At least that is what you tell yourself. If you suffer significant trauma that requires amputation, you convince yourself that at least the worst part has passed. Now you can start the process of healing, both your body and your mind. Unfortunately, it is not always

For twenty years they’ve been on the market. For twenty years they’ve appeared on television and in movies, and even people who have never experienced an MRI firsthand still have a basic understanding of the machines. One of the most important rules, one that almost everybody knows, is how important

Multiple stories from major news outlets are finally drawing attention to terrifying outbreaks of a drug-resistant infection that has killed or sickened hundreds. The most recent outbreak in California at the University of California Los Angeles is just the newest epidemic to be associated with the same device. The device,

The Wexner Medical School at the Ohio State University is trying to address a tragically under-recognized health issue. Despite the number of serious falls at hospitals and other medical facilities increasing at an incredible rate (150 percent increase in the last few years), few facilities are doing anything to address

We all know about breathalyzers. They exist to make sure that drunk drivers don’t drive drunk, either as an interlock device for repeat offenders, or as a method for police to measure Blood Alcohol Level and make sure dangerous drivers stay off the streets. Drunk drivers are responsible for thousands