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Natural causes. That’s what all the death certificates stated as cause of death. But as the number of death certificates continued to mount, more and more questions were asked, and now the Wall Street Journal is reporting that perhaps the cause of death wasn’t natural after all. For the last

Medication errors are much more common than most people think. In fact, medication errors are thought to be the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Even as medical breakthroughs make it possible to keep us alive and healthy longer than past generations dreamed was possible, medication

It is still unknown what caused the building to collapse during construction. On April 2nd, workers were constructing a new building on the campus of Argyle High School in Texas when the walls buckled inward and the ceiling collapsed, killing one worker and injuring a half dozen more. But even

It is well-established that certain disabilities are caused by developmental problems in the womb. Some of these, such as Down Syndrome, are caused by mutations, and there is nothing a mother can do to prevent these. Others, such as brain damage caused by hypoxia (lack of oxygen) can be attributed

For some reason, many people seem to think that you bring disease on yourself. No matter what your diagnosis, there are some people who claim that your lifestyle is the reason for your sickness. If you suffer from blood clots, you have probably heard hundreds of times from dozens of

The chance of paralysis, however small, has long prevented people from seeking the relief they need. The risks of back surgery, particularly spinal surgery, have scared many people into trying to medicate away their pain rather than seeking a long term solution. Now, a new procedure is becoming available that

Cruise ships are inherently dangerous places. Out on the ocean, the boat is the only protection a person has against the elements, and sometimes even the boat offers scant safety. In high winds or on a slippery deck, it is frighteningly easy for a person to go overboard. The safety

The pressure is always on to be a team player. If there’s something wrong at the workplace, just tell your direct supervisor and then move on. Nothing is gained by making waves. There’s certainly no need to take the case to OSHA, or to the Fire Marshall, or to the

Daily inspection doesn’t make old machinery any newer. The best technicians in the world can only do so much to keep decaying equipment functioning. And yet many businesses continue to use old technology, even in situations where malfunction could cost people their lives. The mechanical failure of a ski lift

You didn’t hit your head that hard. At least that’s what you keep telling yourself. There are many times in life we bump our heads. Sometimes it’s as simple as trying to stand up too quickly after reaching under the table for a kid’s toy. Or we trip and fall